chapter eleven

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I looked at Minho shocked. Alby looked like someone had just told him he could grow wings and fly. "Ain't a good time for jokes." He said. "Look." Minho answered. "I wouldn't believe me if I were you, either. But trust me, I did. Big fat nasty one." I looked at the Asian boy. "I believe you Min." The said boy gave me a thanking smile. "You found a dead Griever." Alby repeated, disbelief in his voice. "Yes Alby." Minho said, his voice laced with annoyance. "A couple of miles from here, out near the Cliff." Alby looked out at the maze, then back at Minho. "Well....why didn't you bring it back with you?" He asked. Minho and I laughed. "You been drinkin' Frypan's saucy-sauce? Those things must weigh half a ton, dude. Plus, I wouldn't touch one if you gave me a free trip out of this place." I shrugged. "I would if it could be different then the place I came from." I said. Alby started to ask questions. "What did it look like? Were the metal spikes in or out of it's body? Did it move at all-was it's skin still moist?" I looked at the leader, shocked. He never really asked questions. "Slim it, man." Minho said "You gotta see it for yourself. It's.....weird."

Alby looked confused. "Weird?" He asked Minho. "Dude, I'm exhausted, starving and sun-sick. But if you wanna haul it right now, we could probably make it there and back before the walls shut." I looked at Minho. "I'm not letting you go out there Minho until you rest." I said sternly. He looked at me, I only called him Minho if things were serious. Alby nods. "She's right. Better wait till the wake-up tomorrow." I nod, Aquata was walking over. For some reason I think I meet her before the maze, it might have been a brief or a year I'm not sure. "Smartest thing you've said in a week." She said to Alby hearing the conversation. Minho chuckled, he hit Alby on the arm and started to walk to the Homestead with a slight limp. Is he okay? I thought to myself. He spoke over his shoulder. "I should go back out there, but screw it. I'm gonna go eat some of Frypan's nasty casserole." I laughed softly. Aquata wrapped her arms around my shoulder, guilding me away from Alby and Thomas. "Okay so you've been in here for a few years, and I've been her longer so I know stuff. And you can't be here that long without liking one of the guys. So who is it?" She asked once we got far enough. "I don't know what your talking about." I said blushing. She crossed her arms. "Is it Minho?" She asked. "No." I grumbled. "Thomas? Newt? Dan? Frypan? Winston? Zart? Alby?" She listed people. "Not telling." I said. "Please?" She gave me her puppy dog eyes. I caved "Fine!" I shouted. She jumped up cheering. "I-I like N-Newt." I stuttered out. She gasped. "That's so cute!" She sighed dreamily. "I can see the wedding now." I scolded at her. "What about you and Gally? When's your wedding?" I teased. Aquata blushed. "We're not getting married." She said. "Uh huh. Sure no right now but at some point you will." I said. Her cheeks where a deep crimson color. I giggled at her. "Keep teasing me and I'll tell Newt." She said with a smirk. I gasped. "You wouldn't." I said, eyes wide. "Oh Newt!" She yelled, running into the Glade. "Ahhh Aqu! Please stop!" I chased after her. Newt walked towards us, face covered in concern. "Everythin' okay?" He asked. Aquata smirked. "Shiloh likes-" I cut her off. "Food! I like food!" I then facepalmed as Newt rolled his eyes a half smile on his face. He turned walking away. Aquata looked as if she was going to die from laughter.

I was walking around the Glade, when Aquata ran up to me. "Shiloh! Shiloh!" She called to me. I turned to her. "What?" I asked confused. "Ben.... Ben he isn't dead." She said. I looked up, eyes wide. "What?" I asked again. "He isn't dead. Baggers went to get him... arrow missed his brain...Med-jacks patched him up." Tears pooled into my eyes, looking like rain falling down tree bark. "You gotta be kidding...I saw him." I sniffled. She looked at me, eyes soft. "Well, so did I." She started quietly. "He's locked up in the Slammer, a huge bandage covering half his head." I looked up at her. "The Slammer?" I asked, almost like I was confused. She nods. I rubbed my eyes, freeing them from tears. "What are they going to do with him?" I asked her. She shrugged some. "Already had a gathering of the keepers this morning-made a unanimous decision by the sounds of it. Looks like Ben'll be wishing that arrow had found a home inside his brain." I tilted my head. "I-is he....." I trailed off. "He's being banished. Tonight, for trying to kill Thomas." I gulped. I took off running to the Slammer, Aquata running behind me. "Ben!" I called as I crouched in front of the slammer. He looked up at me. "Shiloh, you can't trust him." He gulped out. I reached to him, taking his hand in mine. "I'm sorry Benny." I whispered. He nods. "It's okay Shy." He gave a weak smile. "It's okay." I nod, tears falling.

All the Gladers were gathered at the East Door, half an hour before it closed. Aquata and Minho were in the map room. Alby already told them to hurry. Thomas was standing behind me. Minho and Aquata walked out heading over. Aquata stood beside me. "Bring him out!" Alby shouted. Aquata wrapped her arms around me. "I'm here." The older girl whispered. Three of the bigger boys were dragging him. Dragging. His clothes were tattered, barely hanging on; a bloody, thick bandage covered half his head and face. I looked at him, his eyes wide with terror. I chocked back a sob. "Newt." I heard Alby say in a quiet voice. "Bring out the Pole."

Newt nodded, moving towards a small tool shed. Ben didn't even struggle, letting them drag him. Ben was pulled to his feet in front of Alby. Ben hung his head, not making eye contact. "You brought this on yourself, Ben." Alby said. He shook his head and looked at the shed where Newt was. Newt come out of the slanted door. He held several aluminum poles, connecting the ends to make a shaft about twenty feet long. When he finished, he grabbed something odd shaped on one end and dragged the whole thing towards the group.

Finally, Newt stepped up to Alby and handed him the end of the pole he was holding. A loop of rough leather was fastened to the metal with a massive staple. A large button snap revealed that the loop could be open and closed. It was a collar. I watched as Alby unbuttoned the collar and wrapped it around Ben's neck. Ben looked up as the leather loop closed around his neck. Tears glistened in his eyes, making some well up in mine. "Please, Alby." The broken boy pleaded, his voice shaky. Tears slipped from my eyes, but Aquata quickly wiped them away. "I swear I was just sick in the head from the changing. I never would've killed him-just lost my mind for a second. Please, Alby, please." I felt like I got punched in the stomach. "Ben..." I whimpered. Aquata pulled me closer to her, like a protective older sister would. Alby didn't respond, he just pulled the collar to make sure it was good. She gripped the end tightly and turned to face the crowd. Eyes bloodshot, face wrinkled in anger, breathing heavily. He looked evil. I looked at Ben, trembling, crying, a roughly cut collar of old leather wrapped around his pale, scrawny neck. Attached to a pole that Alby held holding him twenty feet away.

Alby spoke in a loud, almost ceremonies voice, looking at no one and everyone at the same time. "Ben of the Builders, you've been sentenced to banishment for attempted murder of Thomas the Newbie. The Keepers have spoken, and their word ain't changing. And you ain't coming back. Ever." A long pause came from him. "Keepers take your place on the banishment pole." I watched, tears staining my face.

One by one, boys were stepping out of the crowd and walked over to the long pole. Newt and Minho among them. Winston also took a spot and so did Gally. Everything grew silent. The only sound was Ben's muffled sobs. "Please." Ben said, his voice rising in desperation. "Pllllleeeeeeeeeese! Somebody, help me! You can't do this to me!" I went to move forward, but Aquata held me back. "Shut up!" Alby roared making me jump. Ben kept pleading. "Someone stop them! Help me! Please!" He glanced at the boys, his eyes stopped on me. "Please Shy! Please!" I sobbed harder. Thomas looked at me. "If we let shanks like you get away with that stuff." Alby started. "We never would've survived this long. Keepers, get ready." The boys got ready. I looked at them. "No, no, no, no." Ben kept saying under his breath. "I swear I'll do anything! I swear I'll never do it again! Plleeeeeee-" His shrill cry was cut off by the rumbling crack of the East Door beginning to close. The ground shook beneath us. "Keepers, now!" Alby shouted. A strangled cry erupted from Ben's throat as he was pushed back. "Nooooo!" Ben screamed. He was almost at the door. "Nooo!" He screamed again. Ben was thrown four feet into the maze, he kept twisting until her got the collar off. "Till we meet again Benny." I whispered. Hearing his screaming and crazed cries. I walked away, I couldn't bare to watch that anymore. I laid down in my sleeping bag, curling up. Aquata sat by my side, running her fingers through my hair until I fell asleep.

Yay!!! More of Aquata!!!!!!! 💖💖💖💖 Roryroo

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