Chapter 1

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Its my first fanfic, so I appreciate corrections and suggestions.
The whole fanfic will be from Eren's POV:
My eyes slowly drift open to reveal Levi's sleeping face. He looks so calm when he’s asleep, as if the hardships that he has suffered through never existed. I can’t believe that I was once that naive boy who followed the captain around like a love-struck puppy.

About two months ago, I let go of my ego and confessed my feelings to Heichou. A few days later, I was called to the Corporal’s office, where he told me that he felt the same way and that he would give us a chance. Of course, we told no one of our relationship, not even Mikasa, Armin, Hanji or Erwin knew. But then again, Hanji always acted strangely towards us. Like she knew something we didn’t...

A ray of light falls upon the room as the early sun rises. Levi grips me tighter as his foggy eyes blink open. We stare at each other for a moment. How could anyone not love Levi? Sure, he acts all tough on the outside, but on the inside he is just lonely.

“Good morning,” I say in a soft voice. He scrubs at his eyes, trying to wake himself up. He slowly rises from the mattress and leans against the bed frame, blearily looking at me.

“You should get up, training starts in an hour,” he says, suddenly changing from my lover into my corporal. I huff at him with irritation before throwing the sheets off my legs and placing my feet on the rough wooden floor. I glance at Levi, watching as he walks gracefully across the room to the dresser and gathers some clothes in his arms. He throws my uniform towards me and orders me to get dressed. I complain loudly as I put my clothes on, trying to annoy him.

If only I knew what the day would hold.
Once we're both changed into our uniforms, I drag him down to the castle’s cafeteria. I notice people throwing us weird looks as I pull Levi by the hand down the long corridors. Not many people have witnessed ‘Humanity's Strongest Soldier’ allow himself to be hauled through the halls by an overexcited teenager, by anyone in that matter.

Once we enter through the large, arch doorway, I release Levi’s wrist and go searching for breakfast. Looking back at Levi, he rolls his eyes and follows me with a small smirk positioned on his face. I smile wildly at his reaction and gather a large plate full of food. I settle myself at an empty table and wait for Mikasa or Armin to arrive. A thump fills my ears as Heichou settles beside me. I stare at him in surprise, captains and commanders are supposed to sit at the head table, but obviously Levi didn’t feel like sitting there today. I mentally shrug my shoulders. Levi said to keep our relationship a secret but if he wanted to make it more obvious, who am I to say no?

People glance at us curiously, Levi never willingly socialises. I can’t say I don't like Levi sitting with me, but how am I supposed to explain it when my friends ask?

“Hi,” I say happily. All he does is grumble in return and take another sip of his tea. I smile even wider, no one else really notices it, but today Levi is very happy for some reason. Maybe my good mood is finally rubbing off on him?

“Stop smiling like that, you look like an idiot,” I giggle loudly. Now everyone is throwing curious looks towards us. Levi begins glaring at me, I grin even more, if that is humanly possible. He just rolls his eyes and continues drinking his tea. The quiet room is interrupted when Erwin walks in. Erwin looks around, confused by the silence, he then begins to walk across the crowded room towards Levi and I.

“There was a letter found nailed to the front door,  its addressed to both of you,” he hands over a white envelope with black cursive writing to Levi.
I suddenly recognise the writing...

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