Chapter 19

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Sorry for the late update! I've been on holidays and when I got back to school I had a million assignments to do:)
The Survey Corps file down the corridors, heading to the dungeon to face Grisha and Kenny. My anxiety gets the better of me, and soon I am trotting down the hall with four legs and a tail.

Levi glances down at me, "Êtes-vous nerveux?" Are you that nervous? I growl back at him. He just smirks at me before chuckling to himself.

"What language are you speaking?" Erwin asks.

"French," states Levi. Nobody has a reply to that.

There is only the sound of footsteps until we reach the painfully familiar door. Levi silently reaches out and slides the door bolt across, before turning the handle and roughly shoving it open.

Kenny pounces on Levi, pulling him to the ground. I launch myself at Kenny, tearing him off of Levi, and giving Levi time to gather himself. I crouch protectively in front of Levi and raise my haunches ready to attack, I'm not going to let Kenny get anywhere near Levi.

Kenny smiles. A cruel, cold smile that slithers across his face. Fear quickly worms into my gut and clouds my judgement, he throws his leg out and quickly kicks me in the side, moving my already broken ribs. I howl in pain and stumble into a wall before collapsing, head first into the floor. He grabs me by the scruff of my neck and lifts me until only my back legs are brushing the ground.

"You can make a monster feel like a person, you can love him and treat him like another human being. But underneath he is still a monster. Remember that, boy, until your dying breath, until you've run out of life. Your still a monster, and no one can ever change that."

I try to shrink into myself, acting on the instinct to make myself invisible and small. Then maybe he will ignore me and leave me alone?

A shadow comes over Kenny's head and I quickly look up. Levi's sword glints in the light from the small window, and moves to rest upon Kenny's neck. Kenny seems to realise the position he's in and releases me. I drop to the floor, quietly whimpering as my ribs were jostled.

"Tie him up," Levi orders while glaring at his uncle.

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