Chapter 9

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Slowly, my eyelids rise open, I glance around and see nothing but darkness. That's strange. Levi would be by my side when I wake up, even if we were captured.

"Levi?" I call into the penetrating silence. Loud thumps come from all across the room.

"Eren!" A group of voices shout. What had taken place to make everyone so worried? Did something happen while I was unconscious?

"What happened?"

"You-" Hanji begins to say, but is interrupted.

"It's too dark and we all need our sleep, we are all best off waiting till morning to discuss it," Erwin's orders, ever the voice of reason. I quietly agree with him and after few complaints, the room is once again quiet.
I wake up to Levi's head on my shoulder, his breath tickling my neck. I wrap my arm around his waist and pull him closer, wanting comfort after yesterdays ordeal. I ignore the pain in my chest, signalling that I do indeed have a broken rib and close my eyes pretending to be asleep, just wanting to forget the past couple of days. It feels like forever since it was just me and Levi alone, enjoying the time we have together before the next expedition outside the walls. But it turns out, our worst enemy was right in front of us, inside the walls. Other people. Family and friends. Strangers and acquaintances-

"You're awake aren't you?" I sigh and open my eyes, looking deep into Levi's silver orbs.

"How could you tell?" I ask.

"I know you," he says.

"What kind of answer is that!" I ask as I stand shakily.

"A good one," Levi replies obnoxiously from the ground.

"You are such a cute couple!" Sasha squeals.

"Couple?" I ask fearfully. I glance at the rooms occupants, realising everyone is already awake and staring. Did they know?

"Yeah Yeager, if you aren't together why were you cuddling all night?" I look at Jean in surprise, he has been silent up until now.



I am now in complete denial.

"You couldn't make it more obvious," Levi declares, now standing next to me. I look at him in shock, we were supposed to keep it a secret! He looks at me and just shrugs, shrugs! At least we don't have to tiptoe around our relationship anymore.

"I totally ship it!!!" Hanji screams.

"Shut up, Shitty Glasses," Levi says annoyed.

I sigh in resignation.

"Anyway, what did happen yesterday?"

"Nothing, after you fainted we were brought back down here," Mikasa explains dully.

"I did not faint!"

"Then what would you call it," I glare at Levi in response.

"Levi, how did you escape when you were captured?" Erwin asks attempting to stop the argument that was about to proceed.

"Well... Levi always forced me to carry around a hidden blade in my boot for my 'safety'. I was unconscious for most of the time... but from what I remember, he stole my knife, took a man named 'Brad' hostage and forced him to lead us out of this building. After that everything's a blur," I explain.

"The guard didn't check Eren over for weapons very well, I was quite offended. Did he think so little of us?" Levi mutters to himself.

"Taking a hostage wouldn't work with so many of us trying to escape, so what do we do? Any ideas?" Erwin looks questioningly at the Survey Corps.

"What about the Levi squad and Mike?" If only we had a way of contacting them!

"The Levi squad probably think we're delayed, they wont start searching for us for a while longer... and they have a very small chance of finding us. And Mike is in the Capital, trying to get funds and donations," Hanji resolves. Everyone looks at each other, expecting someone to come up with an idea.

No-one speaks..

No life-saving solutions or well-thought escape plans? We're doomed.

"Looks like we just have to wait," Armin concludes.

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