Chapter 20

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And that’s it.

After explaining mine and Levi’s relationship to the Levi Squad, we tied Brad, Kenny, and Grisha to one of the pack horses, before we started our long journey back home.

So now – ‘because of limited horses’ - I am sitting behind Levi on his horse, with my arms comfortably wrapped around his waist and my head resting on his shoulder. Who knows what will happen when we get back to headquarters? So much has happened. Our relationship was revealed, we can shape-shift into animals,  I was tortured (again), and not to mention Kenny and Grisha will stand on trial (and will most likely be found guilty).

But at least we all have each other, even if Mikasa isn’t very fond of Levi and even if Erwin is still a tad bit upset about not being told about our first kidnapping... and then there is still the problem of Hanji, who will not leave me and Levi alone until she gets all the facts and details about our relationship and feelings.

And then of course, there are still titans to kill and oceans to see.

But right now, in this moment.

I am happy.

Well... thats it!
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