Chapter 11

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I glance over at Heichou to see that he transformed into a tiny, black cat with piercing silver eyes. I can’t help but fall in love with his spirit animal. It's just so... him.

My father slowly releases the straps from my arms and allows me to get up. It’s not like I’m going anywhere, I am so weak I can hardly stand. It must be from the serum, but why am I not an animal?

“You did transform Eren, but because of your ‘titan healing abilities’ the injection travelled through your bloodstream quicker, so you changed back to your human-self before you woke up.”

“What did I transform into?” What could I be? What is my spirit animal? A bird? A dog? A cat like Heichou?

“You transformed into a wolf,” my father reveals. A wolf? I never would have guessed that.

Levi in cat form is shoved into my arms as I am led back to the Survey Corps’ dungeon by yet another guard. I adjust the way I’m holding Heichou to make him more comfortable, and once he’s in a good position I run my hand along his back, feeling his soft, silky fur between my fingers.

Before I know it I am shoved through the doorway and onto the floor of our dungeon. I grip onto Heichou to make sure he doesn’t get hurt from the fall, but he still yelps as my back hits the ground. Do they not realise that the ground is made of stone? Stone! And I still have a broken rib!

My attention in brought back to the lump of fur wiggling around in my hands. I gently place Levi on the ground and lean my back against the wall. Levi studies himself for awhile before coming back over to me and curling into a ball on my lap. I subconsciously start petting his back and rubbing behind his little ears.

“Eren, what happened? Where’s Levi? Why do you have a cat?” Erwin asks.

“We were taken for an experiment, my father wanted to try one of his new serums. It allows you to willingly transform back and forth from your spirit animal.”

“Where’s Levi?” Hanji asks, repeating Erwin’s earlier question.
I raise Levi into the air, giving Hanji and Erwin their answer.

“That’s the midget?”

“Isn’t he adorable,” I ask, grinning.

“Humanity’s Strongest Soldier is a cat?” Everyone laughs at Connie’s comment.

Except for Levi who just hisses and jumps back onto my lap. Everyone laughs harder because of their captains reaction.
In the morning, I do not wake up to a cat on my lap.

I wake up to Levi on my lap...

His head rests on my chest and he has my shirt clutched in his hand. I look around at my friends to see that I’m the first one awake, at least they didn’t see Levi. They do know about our relationship, but this is just embarrassing. Levi begins to make a purring noise as he presses his head into my shoulder, he probably doesn’t even realise he’s not a cat anymore.

“Levi!” I whisper. He only purrs louder in response. Giggling across the room warns me that other people are waking up. My face heats up as Levi continues his purring in front of everyone. I sigh with relief as Levi begins to stir from his slumber, he opens his eyes and stares at me. His eyes widen as he realises what sound he’s making. He quickly scrambles from my lap and glares at Hanji, who is cooing over him.

“How was your sleep, Levi?” Erwin asks mockingly.

“Shut it, Eyebrows!”

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