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A/N: okay ... so hey guys this chapter will be somewhat weird. I haven't seen rise of the guardians so i dont know what place Elsa will be kept in so I just called it "scary place". LOL. So please understand and please please pleeeease send me a link of a website where i can watch ROTG.

Elsa's point of view 

     I woke up in a scary place. It was like a jail but the bars are so black like shadow. My hands were locked up in handcuffs , I tried to freeze it but i couldnt. Its like i dont have my powers anymore. As time went passing by , i felt weaker and weaker and I think its because of these handcuffs. 

     I became worried about myself and at the same time, scared. I want to get out of here! "JACK!!!" I called out for Jack. Hoping that he can hear me even though i know its impossible. I kept calling out for him until Pitch suddenly appeared.

     "calling out for romeo?"  he smirked evily. "what do you want from me?!"I yelled at him. "I told you I don't want to be the queen of fear , don't i?" I continued. "Don't worry ,Elsa. I'm not gonna make you the queen of fear ... but i'll steal your powers instead". "what?". "And you know what? I think Jack's gonna hate you if you lose your powers, you know?"."No, he wouldnt" I said avoiding his eyes. "Yes he will! People can change,Elsa"."yes but Jack loves me and he will always will!!" Then I looked at him straight in the eyes. Pitch laughed while I glared at him " oh silly.. please dont give me that. Is that what you call true love? You dont even know why Jack kissed Rapunzel" he laughed. My eyes went wide and tears went rolling down my cheeks ,I looked down. "See? now you're crying". "stop it" I said while sobbing. "I'm telling you a fact that will never be changed, Elsa. Jack. doesn't. love. you" . "I said STOP!"  When I am mad,  scared or out of control , i used to freeze something like the wall or floor,unintetionally .And ice also burst ou tof my body but this time, no signs showed that i still have my powers.

     "oh and by the way, your life is getting shorter as your power is being sucked by my shadow handcuffs". I gasped and fell on the floor."Jack" I cried. "help me"

Jack's point of view

     I woke up in Elsa's room. I looked outside. The sky was half morning, half night so it was like 5 in the morning. I glanced around the room and did't saw Elsa. And then, I remembered Elsa being kidnapped by Pitch early in this morning, like 1 in the morning? "Pitch" I said as I grabbed my staff on the floor while groaning. Then I flew outside Elsa's window. I decided to tell North and the others about this and ask for help

A/N: This is the 3rd

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