Clover Island

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Dedicated to 7Panda7 for teaching me how to make a cover for a story~ Hope you enjoy!


"Nami! When are we gonna get to the next island?!" Luffy complained to the agitated navigator.

"For the hundredth time Luffy, we'll reach Clover island in about 20 minutes!" The small 3 person crew had left Orange town two days ago and already they were almost out of food. Zoro was sleeping through Luffy and Nami's bickering.

Luffy's POV

"20 minutes is way too long! Can't you get us there faster?!"

"There's no way I can move fast in this tiny boat! It's barley more than a raft!"

"But we're out of food, and I'm hungry!"

"Well that's your fault for eating all our food! Now shut up!"

"hmp!" 'Nami is being so mean! If we don't get to the next island and get some meat then I'll starve!'

I turned my head back to look ahead of us. Suddenly the boat started to rock violently back and forth. "Nami what did you do?"

"I didn't do anything!" She quickly looked over the side of the boat to see what was causing  the violent rocking. "You got to be kidding me! This part of the sea is filled with rocks! Luffy! Zoro! Turn the boat away from the rocks!"

"What?" Zoro asked still half asleep.

"Gum Gum Rocket!" I used my Gum Gum Rocket at the water under us and launched us up into the air.

"What the hell?" Zoro asked very calmly, finally awake.

"We're going to crash!" Nami started screaming and holding on for dear life.

"Hey do think I can get us to the next island faster this way?" I really wanted to get some meat. Meat, Meat, Meat, Meat, Meat!

"Hey, is that the next island over there?" Zoro pointed... east? I'm pretty sure it's east. In the distance I can see a cool island with a HUGE building.

"Do you see that building?! It's huge!" I really want to go to the island! I bet that building has tons of meat!

"Whe're about to fall into the see again!" Nami shrieked. We all held on tightly to the boat as we quickly fell down.

"This is so much fun!" I yelled laughing. I don't get how Nami doesn't find it fun! With a giant splash, we landed back into the water much closer to the island than before. Nami hit me on the head, leaving a large bump.

"Never do that again Luffy!" I was really curios about the big building on that island. All the other houses and building were really small.

"Hey Nami. Do you know what that massive building on the island is? It seems excessive seeing as how everything else was pretty small." Zoro asked sitting down.

"Yeah I do! That was the Four Leaf Casino! It's the largest casino in all of the East Blue! It might even be the largest in the whole world!" Nami looked really freaked out for some reason.

"W'hat's wrong?" Zoro questioned, yawning.

"Well, the casino may be very big, and it looks nice, but the reason everything else looks so bad and run down is because of the casino. They trick people into gambling and they almost always lose all their money in the process. Then the're forced to be a slave for the casino until they pay them back. That's why we can't stay on the island for very long. If we do we could get tricked into becoming slaves." She explained simply, her serious expression never faltering.

"But what about meat?!" I whined. There's no way I'm leaving without food!

"We'll get all the supplies we'll need and then leave! Got it!?" Nami was starting to yell at this point. Her hands looked ready to punch me. What's her problem?

"But I wanted to find a new crew member." I whined.  

"We can't stay on the island for more than a few hours! Do you want to be a slave?"

"No." I said looking down like a child.

"Well then, we need to get our supplies then leave." She stated finally not yelling.

"I doubt anyone would want to join a crew with this as their ship." Zoro starts kicking the boat to prove his point.

"Yeah. We need to focus on getting an actual pirate ship before we get anymore crew members." Nami stated mater of factly.


???'s POV

"I must be really lucky today!" I cheered while laying my perfect hand down. "Royal Flush." "You've got to be kidding me!" "She hasn't lost a single game so far!" "And she always get an ace of spades in her hand!" "Guess I'm just lucky~" The guys I was playing against all started freaking out in funny ways. One even started crying. I feel kind of bad now. It's not their fault I'm so good a cheating they'll never catch me.

"She's got to be cheating right?!"

"Yeah right! She must be!"

"But she's only a kid."

"Technically I'm an adult. Over 18~" I cutely stated. I didn't not smiling in the slightest.

"That doesn't change anything!" All the men then started to yell at me. What a bunch of sore losers. Can't even man up when someone cheats them out of their money. Soon a loud crashing sound echoed through the casino room. I turned to see a  fancy looking man with his arm drenched in beer from the apparent mug he smashed on the bar.

"You call yourselves men? Being sore losers and getting upset is one thing" He gets up and starts walking over here, and grabs one of the men by the collar.

"But accusing someone of cheating is down right disgusting. You lost all your money fair and square. I watched that whole game very closely and not once did I ever catch her cheating. If you even think about making false accusations like that again, then you won't  be around long enough to repay your debts." The man threatened and soon let go of the guys collar, making the guy fall to the ground trembling. I don't blame him. I was the one he was defending and I was freaked out by him.

"We're very sorry Mr.Clifton! It will never happen again! Please forgive us!" I was utterly confused. Why did he stand up for me? Also, who the hell goes to a casino to watch other people gamble? The owner maybe. Yeah, gotta be the owner.

Well this day was funner than I expected~ I landed on a neat island, won tons of money, and I can tell something very interesting is going to happen soon. I'm so excited! It's been forever sense I got a good fight in.

"Sky... get that look off your face right now. When ever you have that look something bad happens." Oh, I completely forgot about him.

"You know Hayzues, for a wolf that's eaten a devil fruit, you sure don't seem too excited~ It's been awhile sense we fought anyone~ Don't you think It'll be fun to get back to making mischief?" He sighs

"I guess I've gotten a little bored of the whole doing the same routine." I just giggle. I know something REALLY fun is going to happen soon.

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