Thanks For All Your Pointless Hard Work

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Sky's POV

"Well now that the lackeys are taken care of, I can finally brutally beat up the casino owner~" I sang happily skipping along the road.

"You're way too excited to fight. Also, do you really think it was a good idea to leave moss head to deal with those guys alone?" Hayzues, always worrying for no reason.

"Of course it was~ He can handle himself right?~ Anyway, we don't have time to worry about him right now. We have to murder a man that goes by the name Clifton, who most likely has tons of bodyguards and if we get caught we could end up a slave. Let's worry about that, shall we?" Hayzues let out a very large sigh.

"Very well, not like I have much choice anyway."

"Tehahahaha!~ I knew you'd see it my way~ After all, WE of all people, and animals, couldn't just let this go, now could we?~"

Hayzues' POV

There Sky goes again, giving off that creepy smile. The smile that basically states 'I will kill you all'. It completely goes against her personality to give off that smile, but then again, her personality might be the strange thing.

"Of course we couldn't. But you could have at least responded to the moss ball when he spoke to you instead of just running away." Sky turn her head forward again and away from me, still smiling.

"I could have, but where's the fun in that?~ It may have been the nice thing, but it would be the boring thing too. People like Zoro-chan, Kiddo, and Freckles are too easy to pick on~ Do you really think I would just be a 'nice' person to them?" I forgot all about 'Freckles' until now, and I've only ever heard about 'Kiddo' from Sky. She apparently always messed with them like she is doing with Zoro now. I wish she would grow up, but I know that won't ever happen.

"You can't be nice to anyone, can you?" Sky stopped smiling as soon as I said that. I'm such an idiot, how could I say that?!

"I was nice to someone once..... Now the're dead."

Zoro's POV

"So much for practice." I sheathed my sword and as soon as I did all 200 citizens fell to the ground.

"My normal practice sessions take at least a half an hour longer than this." I got up from the ground and jumped on the building Sky was on not too long ago.

"She couldn't have gotten far, might as well find her. She was in that casino for a long time, she might get lost." I was already jumping from building to building before I finished my sentence looking for the glowing eyed gambler.

                                                    ~Three Minuets Later~

"Were the hell am I?!" I yowled annoyed as all hell. This city is a complete maze! How does anyone find their way around here?!

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" I heard a shriek louder than my yelling only a bit away.

"Who was that?" The voice sounded like an old man. I ran as quickly as I could towards the voice and soon found the owner.

"Everything is ruined! How could they do this?!" It was the shop keeper that conned me into going to the casino! He was wailing outside his shop, holding what seemed to be some of his merchandise. Which happened to all be destroyed. All accept one thing. The Ame'o'sasu. The sword that got me into all this trouble was lying on the ground at my feet with the old man not even looking at me.

"I went through all that trouble, to get THIS sword, and now it's right in front of my feet. What. The. HELL!" I picked up the sword still beyond pissed and saw that there was a note attached to it.

Dear Zoro-chan, 

If your reading this, then you must have taken out those puppets back there. I was right to count on you. I have gone to the casino in search of the man or 'puppet master' behind this mess. I got this sword for you to save you the trouble. May you kill many more people with it. Thanks for your cooperation.

Wow, her writing is really neat. She must have been nice to work hard on this note.

P.S. It must have taken you AGES to get here seeing as how I'm writing very fancifully and you're still not here. Way to go moron. Are you always this slow, Zoro-chan?~

P.S.S. Thanks for all your pointless hard work. I just took this sword with violence. Something you could have easily done seeing as how temperamental you are. 

P.S.S.S. This was a little trap I set for the puppets to come after you by the way. But you were probably too idiotic to notice them sneaking up on you while you read this note. 

                                                                                                  Have Fun


"I completely take back that complement I said earlier about her. She is still a bitch." I growled while unsheathing my new sword. Already 500 people had surrounded me. And to top it all off, they were all incredibly pissed off. I owe it too you Sky, I never knew anyone could get so much fun out of messing with people. 


Sorry Kiddos! I meant to publish this much sooner but sadly I had exams before I could. It'll be summer break soon so I should update much more frequently then. But until I can update more, I hope this chapter satisfies you. Have fun reading Kiddos.

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