Honorifics. They cause problems

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I had to look up poker for a good hour to write this chapter. At least now I can tell my friends I have extensive poker knowledge! I doubt even after an hour of research I wrote a decent discription. Poker is a little complex and wonder how it would look if adults found out a teenager is learning about poker~


Zoro's POV

I was still kind of worried about teaming up with her. For all I know, she could just screwing with me. Even if she's not, I'm not sure what she want me to do for her afterwards. Not looking forward to it, that's for sure. I saw a strange puff ball land in my lap. I looked down to see the red and black wolf pup that Sky carries around as her pet. What could this little runt even do? It looked up at me and gave a 'tough luck' look. Was this fur ball trying to piss me off? Cause if it was, it's doing a really good job.

"Ah! I see you've met the most hug able and lovable thing in the world~" She says in that pet voice. Sky started hugging the wolf and rubbing it's head against her's. As soon as she starts doing this it turns it's head to me and give a 'please...help me' look. I just sat there and smirked. Serves it right for pissing me off.

"Oh yeah! I guess I never introduced you two did I~ Well Zoro-chan, this is my best buddy Hayzues~ Isn't he cute?" Chan!?

"What the hell is with the chan part of my name! I'm not a little kid!" I was trying very hard to restrain myself from attacking her. Sky innocently smiled at me and clapped her hands together.

"Zoro-chan sounds better than just Zoro don't you think~" She stated happily 

"How does a girly honorific sound better?!" I was a swordsman! What kind of idiot think that fits?!

"I just thought it fit you. There's no reason to yell." Sky started form fake tears and hid in Hayzues' fur.

"If you don't want me to yell than change it!"

"I refuse."

"Change it."


"Change it!"


"Change, it."

"No way Zoro-chan~"

"Change. It. Now."

"Maybe next year Zoro-chan~"

"Um... Excuse me?" I turned my head and glared at whoever asked.

"What the hell do you want?!" I growled at the young man and he jumped back with his arms raised.

"I'm sorry! I must have got the wrong person! Really sorry!" While were fighting, I failed to see the 4 people that walked over to our table to play poker. They all had terrified faces. One of them was even shaking like crazy. I almost felt bad for him. Almost. I was still pissed at the Honorific problem, but that'd have to wait apparently.

"Aw, look what you did. Now there all scared. Way to be a nice person Zoro-chan." I snapped my neck around to face her.

"I will end you."

"All right! Let's play!" Sky cheered completely ignoring me. They all sat down and set everything up, while I just sat there with multiple veins popping.

"Okay! Person #3 goes first, then person #1, person #4, then Sky, then Zoro-chan, and finally person #2 goes last!" Sky said sounding very happy with herself. 'Person 2' dealt everyone's cards. Finally when everyone had two hole cards and a show card, we could play. Time to see if it was a good idea to trust Sky.

Surprisingly, Sky's show card was the lowest. It was the 4 of clubs. Mine was barley better than her's. My show card was the 5 of clubs. Has her luck run out? She sure isn't acting like it is, she bet about 500,000 thousand berries. Soon everyone was dealt their two other face up cards. I got 6 and 7 of clubs, Sky on the other hand got 2 and 3 of clubs. The worst possible hand to get. I looked at the other guys that had decided to play. They all looked creepily happy.

"I guess the girl's luck has run out. Sucks to be you right now."

~Skipping to 10 minutes later~ 

"How could we let our guard down?!"

"We thought we had the girl beat but we were wrong!"

"She got the second best hand this game though! That moss ball guy must be even luckier than her!" Watching the towns folk's reactions to being demolished was quite fun. Just like Sky said, I got the best hands in the game. She was barley behind me, but I still won. I guess I could trust her after all. I turned to see Sky snickering.

"Zoro-chan sure looks proud of himself even though he did absolutely nothing~" I clenched my fist.

"Are you ever going to get rid of the honorific in my name?!"

"I'll change it in two years, how's that~"

"Two years?! I doubt I'll see you in two years!"

"You never know~ I bet Hayzues could smell you out. Right buddy~" Hayzues gave what looked to be a sigh and nodded.

"Yay! Well, I guess we should leave now Zoro-chan~" Sky got up grabbing her bag of money. I quickly followed suit.

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