Unlucky to Trust Someone Lucky?

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Zoro's POV

The second I walked through the doors I was met with unholy lights, and ear splitting sounds of both cheering and screaming. Almost everyone had angered and depressed expressions, proving Nami's point on how everyone almost always loses all their money.

"Hey moss ball. Are you just going to stand there, or are you going to try your luck?" A guy in a black suit scowled at me, and the ten other guys around him did the same.

I looked at all the slot machines and card tables. I walked over to the card tables. After all, the slot machines could be rigged. I was about to pick the closest table that had 6 people waiting for someone else to sit down, but something caught me eye. A girl with long black hair in a wild ponytail was at one of the farther tables was playing with only 4 guys. In a regular poker game there's 5-7 people. Some of the tables over here have over 7, but that table has the lowest amount of people. Soon the guys at the girl's table threw their cards and left the table.

As the girl was grabbing her money she looked over at me. She probably noticed that I was staring at her and I was about to look away, but that's when I noticed her eyes. They were a bright glowing blue. They were so bright, they could light up a room. It felt like we just stayed like that for a couple minutes.

"Hey moss head. Your not planning on playing a hand with that girl are you?" The guy at the table I was planning on joining asked, snapping me out of my trance.

"Huh? Yeah, I was thinking about it." Why was this guy asking such a stupid question?

"Well you really shouldn't. While she may look innocent, she's had more luck than anyone in whole world. No one has even been able to beat her in a single hand." This shocked me a little. She didn't look like she played cards.

"Couldn't someone get all the high cards?" It seemed like a simple solution.

"That's just it. She always has the spades or aces. Even if someone manged to get a royal flush with hearts, she'll have a royal flush with spades and win." The man sighed. "I've, along with many others, watched her every move to see if she was cheating, but there isn't any proof. There isn't a single person in this world that can be that good at cheating."

I looked back over at her and saw her scratching a red and black wolf pup's chin.

"What's with the wolf?" I got cautious now. My last encounter with a wolf landed me in a marine base, set to be executed.

"Oh that pup? It's been with her sense she got to this town. I doubt it could do anything, I mean, look how small it is. Even if it could do damage, it hasn't done anything other than sit near that girl." I noticed that no one had gone over to the girl's table.

"Isn't anyone going over there? I get she's lucky, but her luck's going to run out sooner or later."

"Some people go over there when someone gets the guts to face her. I mean, how many people do you know that have her luck and her glowing eyes?" I looked at the girl one last time to see her stretching looking incredibly bored.

"Well. I can't really take back what I said to that old man, and I need money for a sword, and she sure looks ready to play a new game. If no one else has the guts to face her then I guess I will." With that I took off towards her table.

"Hey! What's wrong with your kid?! If you go against her you'll lose all your money!"

"I'm lucky too you know. After I'm done, your gonna be warning people not to go up against me." I quickly sent the man a smirk took the seat closest to the girl.

"So your a big shot here, huh. I guess your the reason people always lose their money here." The girl gives a very perplexed look.

"What?" She almost immediately starts smiling again.

"I just got here yesterday~ The reason everyone becomes a slave is because richer people that are payed to tempt people to get money send people here, and then those people start 'winning'. But really people are just letting them win so they'll get cocky and keep betting bigger and bigger. It's very simple when you look at everyone here~"

My veins started to pop. "That old bastard!" I growled.

"He purposely provoked me! That sword was probably a fake too!" I was pissed! I'll destroy this whole god damn building.

"I bet your one of the people they tricked right?" I tried to smile but my veins were still popped and my grin was twitching uncontrollably.

"I guess I am. But I'm leaving now." I was about to get up but the girl started speaking again. "Oh, no way in hell will they let you leave~ If you try to walk through those doors without betting something, then they'll shoot you down before you could say shit~ Sucks to be you~" She sang her last sentence.

"Don't sound so happy! I'll slice anyone that gets in my way!" This girl was almost as irritating as the old geezer!

"Or you could trust a lucky person~" What? What the hell did that mean?

"What do you mean, 'trust a lucky person'?" I sit back down.

"You want a sword, and don't have the money for it?" How did she?

"How did you know I wanted a sword?" "Oh I listened  in on the conversation you had with that guy earlier~"

Scratch that. She's even more irritating. I get she had nothing better to do, but to listen in on our conversation? Really? "But anyway. I got a deal for you."

"A deal?" I was pretty curious what this deal was. How could she help me?

"Yep~ I'll make sure you get an amazing hand, that is slightly better than mine of course."

"Why would you hel-"

"But only if you do something for me later~" That answers that question.

"What do you want me to do exactly?" I wasn't sure if I wanted to know. I mean, look at how she's acted this whole time. I get she's lucky, but that luck could run out at anytime.

"It's a secret~ But do you agree to the terms of  the deal.... Roronoa Zoro?" I started to reach for my swords.

"How do you know my name." It was more of a command than a question.

"How many people with moss green hair do you know?" She's being really checky isn't she?

"True. But that deal of yours?"


"How do I know I can trust you? Is it really lucky to trust someone with your luck?"

"I have no clue~ But I do know you don't stand a chance with me or the casino as your enemy~"

"Also true." Damn it! I really don't have a choice.

"So do we have a deal?" She extended her hand as a jester for me to shake if I accepted.

"I guess we do." I grabbed her hand but soon added a quick comment.

"Sky." She tilted her head.

"Why did you call me Sky?" I smirked at this. Time for a little revenge.

"How many people do you know that have glowing blue eyes like the sky?" I bet she's shocked I could come up with a comeback so quickly.

"Tehahaha. Not a one~" Does this girl know any emotions other than confution and happy? I haven't seen her show any others.

But, I wonder. Is it unlucky to trust someone lucky?

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