The Pain!

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Nami's POV

What a nice day. The weather is great, the birds are chirping, and there's not a single cloud in the sky. It would be perfect...if the three idiots behind would just shut, up.

"Seaweed! Seaweed! Zoro-chan looks like seaweed!~" Sky cheered while spinning in circles on the raft we called a boat. Luffy was complaining about there not being food, and Zoro was 'attempting' to kill Sky. Even Hayzues who was just chilling in the breeze was making sarcastic comments during the entire trip. 

"Shut up! You're saying I look like seaweed when your eyes are god **** glowing! Not to mention your favorite pass time is lying and gambling!!!" Zoro's yell echoed through the formerly silent ocean.

"Will you all shut up?!" I finally snapped at them. "There's no way we can get by like this!" Four people and one animal on a small boat won't end well at all. If I can get at least Hayzues to understand then he might be able to convince Sky, after all, no one else knows how to deal with her. Also, if Sky were to help us she could get through Luffy's thick skull.

"Yeah, we need more meat. Eating fruits all day is for the birds." Luffy stated plainly throwing an apple core into the sea. 

"We also need booze." Zoro agreed nodding his head after calming down from his rage. 

"Alcohalic~ I didn't know Zoro-chan was an alcohalic~ And here I was thinking you couldn't become an even worse excuse for a human being!~" Sky sang in her ever cheery tone. The second the words were out of her mouth Zoro spun on his heels to talk, more like shout, at her. 

"I'm a poor excuse for a human being?! Look in a mirror Sky! I doubt you're even human!" Zoro's face painted crimson from his anger. I'm going to kill them. Yep...I'll kill them all. 

"Yes, booze is exactly what we need in this situation. Meat is also a great addition to our list of things the pirates loot from our corpses. Way to get the gears turning in your heads, and here I was thinking that Skyitis took at least a week to cause noticeable damage." There's the sarcastic talking wolf that I love. Thank Hayzues. "Sky, you see the thing that we need the most right now is something called a 'pirate ship'. We kind of need to, you know, be pirates. I know that it may be difficult to understand at first, but try to grasp the concept this millennium."

"Oh, a pirate ship! Those things that you can sail the see in! I get it now~ It's so clear now, well, clearer than Zoro's head at least~" Sky can't say a single sentence without verbally abusing someone can she?

"Yeah we totally need a pirate ship! Way to go Sky-nee!" Luffy laughed in a cheery tone, completely passing over the fact that it was Hayzues and I that pointed out the need for a ship in the first place. Idiots, all of them.


It took many *long* and annoying conversations, but we finally made it to an island. If I remember correctly it's called Syrup Village. Maybe we could get a ship from here, the chances are low, but it's still possible. My train of thought was abolished when I heard Zoro shout towards the hill in front of us.

"What are you do up there?!" I followed Zoro's gaze to a group of boys. Three of them looked no more than five, while the older one looked to be the same age as Luffy, but had an *extremely* long nose. They were all crouched behind a rock on the hill over looking us. It seemed Zoro suddenly shouting at them had shocked them and made all of the five year old's run away.  Only the eldest remained. 

"Ahhhh! Um-m-m....You better be careful pirates! If you're not careful, then I, and my 5,000 soldiers will take you all out!" The boy shouted with a extremely shaky voice, making it way to obvious that he was was almost sad actually. I suddenly heard commotion next to me coming from Zoro, and.... you guessed it. Sky.

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