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Nami's POV

It was chaos. Complete and utter chaos.

Zoro was so incredibly strong and obviously had much more skill with a sword than Sky, but she was fast. Way too fast. Her movements were so quick and agile that is was difficult to even see her. No matter how strong Zoro's attacks were, they couldn't hit her. No matter how swift Sky was, it did almost nothing to his defenses. The two of them had completely opposite ways of fighting, yet they were so evenly matched. This fight could go on forever, but it would only take one move or opening to finish it. If Sky gets caught by one attack from Zoro, she 'isn't' going to be getting up for a long time. On the other hand. If Zoro's defense falters for even a second, he'll be turned into a pin cushion. If neither of them get a hit in, then this fight will never end. Every time Zoro is about to injure Sky, she just uses her devil fruit to increase her force when running to get away, and even without her devil fruit she's still really fast on her feet. 

Why don't they just stop fighting? Isn't it obvious that neither of them are going to win unless they get really lucky? Why are they still fighting! Luffy should stop them but he isn't. He's just sitting on top of a nearby barrel grinning and laughing at the two of them fighting. I'll give them twenty more minutes before I stop them.

"Hey Zoro-chan~" Sky singsonged in a sickeningly sweet voice. "Why don't you come over here and actually fight~ If you just stand there this will get boring~"

She had suddenly stopped across from Zoro, only about fifteen feet away. She simply stood there, smiling with narrowed, smiling eyes that seemed to burn through you. Zoro wasen't even fazed by her intense gaze. It seemed as though he didn't even realized that her eyes had changed. Or, it could just be that he's so used her gaze by now, that it isn't even strange now.

"I'll pass. If I move you'll just attack me as soon as I let my guard down." Zoro responded calmly, his stance never wavering and his eyes a frosty blaze. His glare though. Doesn't seem as menacing as before. It must be that this fight has... Ah! I don't know what anyone here is thinking! How can they fight when were already in danger?! It makes no sense! Even Hayzues was dragged into this fight, and he was supposed to be smart!

"Aww!~ Is little Zoro-chan scared to fight little ol' me?~" She teased starting to giggle. At this insult, Zoro's grip on his swords tightened. Making his stance change slightly. 

This is going to last forever! The two of them just keep throwing pointless attacks at each other. No matter how hard they try they aren't ever going to be able to get a hit in! Neither of them are getting even slightly injured or tired for that matter. Why can't they both see just how pointless this fight is?

"Well, if Zoro-chan isn't going to move-" She started in the same teasing voice as before, and tightens her grip on Hayzues. "Then I will!~"

Sky suddenly lunges forward towards Zoro, Hayzues a crimson streak trialling from her hands. Zoro had let his guard down for a moment when she insulted him, so he was open for an attack.

Sky was mere moments away from stabbing Zoro with her rapier. It's finally over. The fight is over. Zoro lost to Sky by letting his guard down for a second. I guess there's a point to Sky's annoying and idiotic behavior after all. 

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. When I opened my eyes again to see the field, the loud noises of battle had finally ceased. It was an excruciatingly long fight, but now everything was quiet. Then suddenly, a large bang ripped through the once silent atmosphere, leaving only shock behind.

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