14. Four reasons.

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"Uh, excuse me? Aliyah, please wake up!" I heard a voice say. I opened my eyes and my vision was blurred. A pain shot through my neck and my hand immediately went up to it. I blinked a couple of times, wondering where I was and why I was so uncomfortable, when I saw a guy's face. I was sitting in a vehicle, and the guy was on the driver's seat, with his head turned around to face me. Then I suddenly remembered, this guy was Farshad's friend, Umayr.

I suddenly felt self-conscious. Here I was sleeping in a vehicle in which I was all alone with some guy. And now this guy was waking me up. Lowering my gaze, I murmured, "where are we?"

"This," he said, pointing at an ancient looking building from the windscreen, "is an old, abandoned mansion. You're going to go there. Those guys in the van have followed us till here. Just go inside the house. There is a whole group of police officers waiting inside. Those guys from the van are going to follow you inside."

I must have had a horrified look on my face because Umayr immediately said, "Don't panic. They won't be able to do anything to you, Aliyah. There are police officers inside so as soon as you go in, those men will be arrested. They are wanted criminals!"

"Y-you mean to tell me, we've been followed by wa-wanted criminals?" I squeaked. "B-but why did they follow us? And wh-why will they f-follow me in there?"

"Aliyah, no time for questions. They will get suspicious. They think you've been brought here by some random cab driver and that too, upon your own will. If we sit here talking, they'll know something is fishy. Farshad will explain everything to you, for now you just go! Please!" Umayr urged.

I nodded and got out, taking my take-out bag. The food was probably cold and soggy by now, but I couldn't possibly leave it inside the taxi. Once I was out, Umayr drove off immediately.

Suddenly, I heard Farshad's voice through the Bluetooth earpiece, making me remember it's presence on my ear.

"Aliyah? Have you reached the mansion?"

"Yes," I whispered, aware that I might be followed.

"Pretend as though you have no idea that you're being followed. Be nonchalant, and just enter the mansion. The doors are closed, but unlocked. I'll be there in ten. Meanwhile, the police are inside to arrest those fellows following you," Farshad instructed.

"Okay," I murmured.

As I walked through the driveway to make my way into the mansion, my mind was occupied with hundreds of thoughts and questions.

So basically, I am being followed. And these guys know about it, so they're trying to save me, hence the police waiting inside the house. But why am I being followed? And how did these guys come to know about it? What is happening? And how do these wanted criminals even know me? What were they following me for? And why did Farshad send me in a cab being drove by his friend? And apart from the fact that I am his sister's best friend, why did Farshad want to save me? These were just some of my unanswered questions.

I suddenly recalled Farshad's voice in my head, telling me 'I promise I'll explain everything to you later'. I hoped he would answer all my questions. Once I got to the doors of the mansion, I turned the knob with shaking hands. The heavy door opened with a loud creak and I stepped inside. Leaving the door behind me slightly ajar, on purpose, yet making it look like an innocent gesture, I walked into the old house, and it was dark and dusty. However, due to the flashlights of the officers, the room was dimly lit. I saw all of the police officers, standing right there.

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