Chapter 5

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After school was over Calum was just outside waiting for me. I sprint to him hugging him as he laughs and smiled as he grabbed my waist, and kisses me passionately.
He drags me to the passenger seat and closes the door as he goes inside the car drove off, so how was school? He ask. It was weird but fun, I was just wondering off and meet a friend which was a girl her name was Anjelica I lied.
Awww that's awesome you already meet a friend I still remember when I meet my brothers in school back then Calum said, really? It's been like ten years now since you still remember I said. Yea I know but it's just those days I couldn't believe we made a band as together as a family, awww I said smiling.

Yea Luke and I decided to make it and it came true Luke is a.. no actually be careful with him he's a flirt Calum said. I got scared and my mind went dizzy, why? I ask. Long story you wouldn't believe it and want to know he said, cal you can tell me anything I said. Calum looks at me and just wondering off his eyes then looks at me, luke can like seduce any girls even you and I don't want that to happen Calum says worried, don't worry I got you. Calum looked at me happy as he kisses my four head as I do the same And when we got home Calum pulled up to the house and he opens my door like a gentleman and I kiss him softly as he looks at me blushing a little, see you in a little bit. Calum nodes his head as I went inside my house and Calum does the same.

Calum PO.v
When I went inside the house the boys sat down the couch mad. Hey what's up? Wait did Ashton's goldfish died? Hey don't disrespect him he was a young fish Ashton says, okay what's going on? I ask, we know you are dating Stacy Luke said. Okay why do you care?. Oh so you care about her a lot do you? Michael said. Okay so what she's special to you? Ashton said, um guys it's not what you think okay am not in the friend zone I said. All of a sudden they started attacking me and I ran to my room and lock it as well I was afraid.
And my eyes caught Stacy reading her favorite book and I was so impressed. She loves reading books as me as well doing the electric guitar, singing. I had an idea to get her attention so I sing her a song from one of my own Song.

Stacy po.v

I sat in my bed room reading my favorite books harry potter and Disney lands. But I heard singing like not ordinary singing it was Calum's voice singing as I went out the window opening it and I smiled at him. He looks at me and winks as I blush and see him singing the one song I knew from his own song singing voice, I sang along as he heard me and smiled and I was shocked crying a bit like him singing for me. I think he is still into me since his other brothers were jealous or pissed. But I didn't care at all and all I though about was him being the perfect boy from next door and he is it.
He's the one for me he looks at me with a glance not just an ordinary with a little smile and got to his window pulling it up saying hey why you crying? I didn't want to say it or tell the truth but I had too since he's the sweetest and nice person I've ever had as a best friend or girlfriend.
As I turn and hear my mom calling me opening my door knob and I freaked out as Calum was wondering what was going on but I was whispering my mom is coming hold up I said with a sign as I went up to my mom as she was smiling bright like a star. Hi hun how was school? Is it just me or she playing around? I never saw her that way, um good. That's great now clean your room she closes the door behind me as I knew it she was the same. Fuck I wish with all my heart to move out and just.. wait a minute I have Calum. I went to my window as he was still there and I ask him with kindness, hey cal can I possibly move in your house? He was confused and smiled, um why? Because my mom is being a bitch.
Stacy I feel you girl I love you and I wanted you to ask you that the same question he says. I smiled as I pack my stuff and threw my pack and he grabbed it as I climbed down the window and grabbed onto a tree branch and made it to Calum's room.
Welcome Stacy to my room its really awesome to have you here with me you know I love to show you around he said with his hand reaching to mine as I grabbed it and showed me everything that he had and earned I was surprised he had never won a Grammy award for best song ever of his own. When it turned night Calum let me sleep with him on his bed, am not those crazy girls squealing the first time sleeping with a celebrity.
I was chill and cool with it i instead fell to sleep fast as Calum wrapped his arms around mine and fell to sleep comfortably.

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