Chapter 14.

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"Lead?!" I pushed Lead trying to jar him awake. He slowly opened his eyes. "Why are you in my bed?" I asked him.

"I-I don't know." He quickly jumped from my bed and stood as far away from it as possible. "All I remember from last night was talking to you, we must have fallen asleep." 

"Oh okay well that's awkward." I tell him as I slowly walk into my bathroom. If this were any other guy I would be flipping out but since it's only Lead and I have known him since pre-school, and I'm almost certain hes gay, it's okay. "Oh my gosh! What time is it?" 

"Ten-sixteen." Lead called back to me. 

"We are late for school!" I screamed as I ran around my room grabbing all my necessities as Lead sat at the end of my bed laughing. I dropped all my belongings on the floor and gave him a dirty look. "What are you laughing at?" He stood up and patted my back whilst walking out the door. 

"It's Saturday, Drew. And we are on Christmas Break." I slowly slid down my wall and covered my face with my hands in frustration. "Bye Drew." He smiled and shut my door. 

"It's Saturday, Drew." I quietly repeated those words to myself. I slowly stood up and made my way to my bathroom. I grabbed my Clean & Clear face wash and began to wash my face. As the beads slowly disappeared I splashed water on my now cherry colored face. The towel I happened to grab smelt like dirty socks after playing in ninety degree weather, I decided to use my shirt to dry my face. 

I slowly walked out of my bathroom and back into my room. I grabbed my laptop off my bedside table and opened it up. My bright background burned my eyes, it was of Lead and I last summer when our moms took us to Disney World. I put my password in and Twitter automatically popped up. I scrolled through my time line and saw tweets once again about Luke and I. It still blows my mind how I could just meet Luke Hemmings at a Target in L.A. it's just too good to be true. 

I then began to think about Luke and how his lip ring glistened against the moonlight, and how his hair would begin to slump over as the night grew later and the gel would began to release from his beautiful blonde cut. Tears began to flood my eyes because the thought of not being with Luke hurts me more than anything else possibly could. 

I decided to go have a talk with my mom. I slowly got out of my bed letting my soft feet touch the cold hardwood floor. I walked down the stairs and I heard her in the kitchen. 

"Mom?" I called out to her. 

"What Drew." She replied in her "I'm your mom therefore I shall be as rude as I possibly can voice"

"When can I have my phone back?" I asked as nicely as I could. One would say I'm a kiss-up, but I would say I'm just trying to be nice. 

"When you learn to behave yourself." I sighed at her comment. 

"Again it's so not fair that your frickin son his never home and is out doing stuff he should not be doing, and I'm here with a 4.0 grade average, passing all my classes, and staying home and helping you out but you're so rude." 

"Drew, he is eighteen I have told you this before, no matter what I say or do he does not listen. You are different, I care a lot about you, just sometimes you are far too out of hand." By this time I was getting even more mad. 

"Mother, last night, I was only a half an hour past curfew. I was being safe, I was in a good part of the city and we didn't even walk for that long. It frustrates me that you take everything away from me and expect me to be okay with it. Luke is what makes me happy and my phone is what I need to make it through the school day. I would highly appreciate it if you would give my phone back, and let me see Luke again." I tell her as calmly as I possibly could.

"You can have it back Monday, until then you are staying home, and you don't even have school for nearly two weeks so nice try hun."

I sigh and give my mother a disapproving look. "Okay." I say and walk back up my stairs.

I jump on my bed and open my laptop back up. I open iMessage and message Annie:


Come over?


I'll be over in an hour, I have to finish laundry.


Ok, sounds good. 

I notice that I have a dm on twitter and click it. My heart race increased at the thought that it might happen to be Luke. 

It wasn't. It was my friend from New York sending me pictures of Luke and I. I laughed at the ones of me almost falling and Luke catching me. I sent a smiley face as a reply and stared at the pictures some more. 

My door opened at I looked at the clock. 

"One o'clock? Already?" 

"Yah?" Annie replied. "You look surprised to see me?" She asked with a curious expression on her face. 

"Well it's just when I started looking at these pictures it was only 11:30 and now it's all the sudden 1?" 

"What pictures?" She asked and hopped next to me on my bed. I scooted over and showed her the pictures of Luke and I. 

"Oh. My. Gosh. Those are by far the cutest pictures I have ever seen." I smiled at her reaction. It was nice to have compliments on our "cuteness" I guess you could say. "The way he looks at you, is so nice, I want someone to look at me like that one day." 

"Annie, you will, everyone has their Gus, mine just happens to be Luke. I'm sure yours will come along eventually." I hugged her and she hugged me back, only she would understand my The Fault In Our Stars references. 

"Your mom looked surprised to see me. What was that about?" She asked. 

"It is such a long story, but long story short, she took my phone and said I'm not allowed to see Luke anymore." Annie gasped and slapped my arm. "Ow! What was that for?" I asked in pain from my stinging arm. 

"What the hell did you do to get in that much trouble?" 

"I was a half hour late past curfew and I was walking around at night, but it's not like I was with some random guy, it was Luke!" 

Annie put her head in her hands in disappointment. 

"This is lame, Drew." I nodded in agreement. "When do you get your phone and Luke privileges back?" She asked. 

"I get my phone back Monday but I'm not so sure about the whole Luke situation yet." Burning began in my eyes and the back of my throat but I was determined to hold it back. "Listen, I know I haven't known Luke long, but it's nice to have someone that understands, someone that is there for you when you need it and it feels especially good to kiss someone that means the world to you and you can feel their burning passion to be with you..I can't lose him Annie." I couldn't hold it back any longer. Everything I have been holding back decided to come out right at this moment. 

"That is the sweetest thing you have ever said." Annie told me as she hugged me. 

"Luke is all I want." I told her tears flowing from my eyes. 

"You will see him again, don't worry." She told me hugging me. 

"I hope Annie, I really do." I said my tears coming harder. 

a/n: i just want to start of this author's note with an apology. i haven't been updating because i have had so much school work and softball lately. it's a lot to do school, sports, and keep up with a social life at the same time, i obviously suck at multi-tasking. well this is my update and i know it's not my best but it will get better (i hope) but if you could, will you guys please, please, please comment/vote? i'm working really hard on this story and it would mean a TON. thank you guys so much

-hannah. x


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