Tour Bus

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Tour Bus

     The girls of Little Mix were sitting in their tour bus writing songs for the new album. They were currently on their way to Radio 1's Big Weekend after getting back from a delayed flight.

     While Perrie, Leigh-Anne, and Jesy were working on a ballad, Jade was writing for one of their more cheerful and happy songs. After her break up with Sam, if you can call it that, she wanted to steer clear of anything that would make her cry.

     Of course, it didn't help when she had to sing Turn Your Face on the DNA Tour, but that was the last time she really listened or sang a ballad.

     She was sitting at the table listening to some old TLC, Spice Girls, and Desyiny's Child songs on repeat to get more into the R&B vibe. She wanted to write a girl empowering song, something to let girls know that they don't need men.

     Though as hard as she tried, it was impossible for write such a thing when she was still wrecked over a guy who broke her heart months ago.

     She turned the music off and pulled her earpieces out. "I can't do it." She says sadly.

     Perrie looks up from her notebook and frowns at Jade. "Why don't you just come write this with us? You're the only one of us that can add real emotions to the songs."

     Jade immediately shakes her head. "I can't. If I write a break-up song all I'm going to do is cry, and I don't want to cry anymore, I'm so sick of it!" She says, hating the fact that tears are already building up in her eyes.

     "Just write about how you're feeling.  Use it as a diary. It'll help, I promise." Jesy assures. "You don't have to record it if you don't want to. Just get all of these feelings out."

     Jade sits next to Leigh-Anne and is immediately met with a hug. "I hate him." She cries.

     "You just need to find a way to forget about him." Perrie instructs. "Sam shouldn't have done what he did, he wasn't good enough for you. You deserve so much better Jade."

     Jade looks down sadly and plays with the rings on her fingers. "I really thought he was the one. It seemed so real."

     "Because that's what he wanted you to think." Leigh says. "Just give it some time, pretty soon he'll be the last thing on your mind."

     "It's been six months, how much longer do I have to go through this?" Jade sinks in her seat and wraps the sleeves of her sweater around her hands. "Not an ounce of pain has disappeared, I ache just as bad as I did the moment I heard Sam admit what he wanted." Jade sniffles and wipes her tears away before slowly getting up and leaving the table.

     The three girls sat quietly as they watched her walk away crying, clueless as to how to fix her.

     "I hate Sam." Perrie says angrily. "Apart from me, Jade was the happiest member of this group. How could somebody want to damage her?!"

     "We really need to help her." Leigh-Anne says sadly, ignoring Perrie's question as she asked it everyday. "I can't stand seeing her so upset all of the time. And, I don't mean this to be rude, but we only have two months to write an entire album! We need Jade to get in this process and give her input."

     Jesy nods and folds her arms over the table. "Especially with the ballads. I don't want to put in anything that could trigger her when we sing it live."

     "You should be fine writing them, Jesy." Leigh-Anne sighs. "Jade's not the only one that suffered heartbreak."

     Jesy scrunches her nose up at the mention of Jordan, the man she despised. "I was hurt, but not nearly as bad as Jade."


     After Little Mix did their performance Leigh-Anne and Perrie stuck around to watch everybody else from side stage, Jesy was backstage to George Shelley, and Jade had runaway to the tour bus.

     She wasn't up for much fun things anymore and didn't want to talk to her friends in the other performers. She would have to come out later to do a few interviews and meet some fans, but for now she was putting it off and laying in bed with her phone as she scrolled through Twitter.

     She was reading some comments from the fans outside who were congratulating the girls on an amazing performance, feeling a bit better at their endless support and love for the band. As she looked through the home feed she saw a tweet that would come up every now and again that would bring her mood down.

     I really miss when Jade @LittleMixOffic and @Sam_Craske were dating, Jam was the cutest.

     Attached to the tweet was a picture of the two kissing which broke Jade more. She raised her fingers to her lips, remembering how soft Sam's felt against hers and how sweet every kiss was. "I miss it too." She sadly admits to herself.

Jade stares at the picture and admires it, remembering how perfect everything felt and how happy she was. A memory from months before the kiss comes to mind and she frowns.


     "Why won't you kiss me? You hardly even kiss my cheek." Jade frowns, not liking the continuous rejection.

     Sam bites his lip and looks down at her nervously. "I just-I want to wait for the right moment. This whole you and I thing is still pretty new to me. I just want to know where we are first before we try getting serious." He lies.

     "Call me crazy, but I think meeting the family qualifies as serious." She points out.

     He sighs and places his hands on her waist gently. "You're not crazy. I just don't want to jump into things too quickly. If things don't work out and we break up, I want to spare a heartbreak." He lies, knowing that heartbroken is all she'll be when they break up.

"You're sweet Sam. But I don't think we'll play heartbreak. Even if we do, we can move past it." Jade says with a soft smile.


      Jade feels more tears come falling as more realization sinks in. It really was true, Sam really hated her. He didn't not kiss her because he wanted it to be special, he didn't kiss her because he was disgusted with her. He didn't want to date her, so why would he want to kiss her?

      Jade starts crying harder than before. There was so many times that Sam said he would never hurt her, but he was counting on it. His goal was to see her cry. He promised her on their first date, the day began dating, at the train station, and so many more memories that made her cringe.

     "Jade?" A voice calls quietly. She quickly wipes her tears and pulls the curtain of her bed open to see Jeffrey, one of Little Mix's dancers. "Hey, Annecka asked me to fetch you. You girls have got your interviews now."

     Jade sighs and gets off her bunk. "Is my makeup alright?" She asks, not wanting to go outside with black tear stains and raccoon eyes.

     "Not really." He says. "You've got some streaks."

     "Thanks, Jeffrey." She slowly walks off to the bathroom and looks at herself in the mirror, hating how miserable she looks. Jade quickly fixes her makeup and puts on a brave face before going outside to force happiness into her tone.


Well, here is the first chapter of the sequel! Just a little insight to Jade's emotions. :)

~Question Of The Chapter~
What festival was Little Mix playing at?

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