Stuck In The Past

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Stuck In The Past

     After hearing her name called behind her, Jade turned around thinking Perrie had followed her outside. But instead she was met by a different blonde, a blonde that made her nervous and worried. "Elizabeth?"

     Elizabeth smirks and folds her arms, adjusting the small dog she holds. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the girl that stole Sam from me."

     Jade rolls her eyes at the girl's somewhat obsession with him. "I didn't steal anyone from you. You and Sam were broken up long before I even knew who he was."

     "True, but you were still there at the time I made an effort to get him back." Elizabeth mutters.

     "Well you should've tried harder, anything to get him away from me." Jade turns back around and drops her Jam box into the dumpster, hearing more things break.

     At the harsh tone in Jade's voice, Elizabeth chuckles and raises an eyebrow. "Right, I heard you two broke up. So, did I get to him and he realized your relationship was impossible?" She smirks.

     "No, it had nothing to do with you. Trust me, you were the last thing on our minds." Jade mutters. "I need to get back to Perrie." She tries to walk past Elizabeth but instead gets blocked by her.

     "Well what caused it then?"

     "Why would I tell you?" Jade questions.

     "Because I've been dying to know what happened. Must've been pretty bad if Sam just let you go. He seemed to be worried about you when we spoke, going on and on about how much he loved you and wanted me to stay away." Elizabeth scrunches up her nose and rolls her eyes, sighing at the way Sam denied her.

     Jade frowns and looks at Elizabeth confused. If Sam hated her, he wouldn't have cared if Elizabeth went too far to get him back. "Can I ask you something?"


     "Why did you and Sam break up?" She asks curiously. "Sam said you did something really bad."

     "Yeah." Elizabeth lightly chuckles and frowns. "I get really jealous, he was out with one of his friends from school, and I still believe she fancies him!" She exclaims quickly. "Anyways, I hated how much time they spent together, I was convinced she would take him, so I got drunk and set her house on fire."

     Jade widens her eyes and takes a small step back. "She wasn't in it was she?!"

     Elizabeth shrugs. "She survived." She looks down at Jade and sighs. "Why do you want to know this?"

     "I'm just curious. You wanted to do something to me, right? Sam said you threatened me?" Jade questions, making the blonde girl nod. "But, you just said he tried to convince you otherwise."

     "Obviously." She scoffs.

     "But, why?" Jade asks.

     "Why else? You were his girlfriend." Elizabeth chuckles, looking down at Jade confused.

     "Not really." Jade frowns. "The boys bet him to date me. Sam never really cared for me, he was pretending. Sam told me he hated me, so why would he not want you to hurt me?"

     Elizabeth shrugs and frowns, suddenly feeling guilty for wanting to hurt a girl that was innocent. "He might not have loved you, but I'm sure he cared enough to not want anyone hospitalized."

     "But the point of the bet was to hurt me when a year was up." Jade mumbles.

     "Emotionally, maybe?" Elizabeth guesses.

     Jade nods and frowns, hoping there might've been more to the reason.

     "So, Sam just broke your heart?" Elizabeth asks. "Have you done anything to get back at him?"

     "Get back at him?" Jade looks up at her confused. "How? There's nothing I could do to cause any pain for him."

     Elizabeth smirks and places a hand lightly on Jade's shoulder. "If Sam's worried about me being around you, we can use that to an advantage."

     "I doubt Sam cares about me in any way now." Jade frowns.

     "Well, there's one way to find out. Why don't we go inside and talk some more about it?"

     Jade immediately becomes nervous, unsure if the girl can be trusted.

     "Don't worry, Jade. I want to get back at Sam as well." Elizabeth mutters. "Reject me and trick you, he broke both of our hearts, now it's time for the ex's to get even."


     While Ashley was at a meeting to renew contracts for his shows, the rest of Diversity had the day off and were spread around the city. Sam decided to use this time to take Jordan's advice and start getting rid of Jade's things. There was a box sitting on his desk that was slowly being filled with her clothes.

     She didn't have that many clothes and it could all be boxed up quickly, but Sam wanted to take his time. Getting rid of her things was his way of letting her go, or attempt of letting her go, he wanted to hold onto her as long as he could. But that time was coming to an end and he still didn't feel ready to start moving on.

     He placed one of Jade's crop tops in the box and sighs, not wanting to continue with the rest.

     He hears the sound of heels clicking the floor nearby and looks over to see Kimberly coming in. "What are you going to do with all of this?"

     Sam shrugs and looks down into the box. "I'd like to give it all back to her, but I doubt I can do that. Jade won't see me, and if I leave it at her door someone could easily take it."

     "I can take it." Kimberly offers. "I'm sure Jade's upset with me too, but not as much as she is with you. Plus I'd like to fix our ruined friendship. If she gives me the chance."

     Sam frowns and looks at her guiltily. "I'm sorry, Kim. I never took into consideration how this would affect you and Ellie."

     She shrugs and frowns. "It's alright, I suppose. You can't change the past."

     "No matter how much you want to." He says sadly, glancing down at one of Jade's bows on his desk. "Everyone's telling me to move on and let her go, but I can't. I don't want to. I love Jade, and now because of some stupid mistake, I've lost her forever. Clearing out her things just makes it more real. Soon her space here, the only space she has left me, it'll be gone."

     "But isn't it better to get rid of them? You're holding on to the past, when you know you need to be in the present."

     "But that's just one step closer to the future I don't want." He says sadly.

     "Then make it one you do want." Kimberly instructs. "You should start looking for a different girl, fully move on."

     Sam raises an eyebrow and frowns. "A new girlfriend?" He scoffs and shakes his head. "Yeah, don't count on that. I promised the boys I'd try to get over Jade, I never said anything about replacing her."

     "It's not replacing her."

     "Yes it is." He mumbles.

     Kimberly sighs and runs a hand through her hair. "Right, well whenever you decide to do more to move on, let me know so I can say 'I told you so'." She says before leaving the room to find Mitchell.

     Sam sighs and continues putting Jade's clothes in the box.


Not long now until Jade and Sam meet again, two more chapters. :)

~Question Of The Chapter~

What is Sam going to do with Jade's stuff?

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