I Didn't Know

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I Didn't Know

     Once Little Mix had finished all of their interviews and fan greeting, they had gotten back on their bus and traveled to Sheffield for some more shows they would do the next day.

     Jade was laying in bed watching a movie on her phone while the other three girls were most likely sleeping as they had an interview early in the morning. Although she was exhausted, Jade was unable to get any sleep. Every time she would turn everything off and close her eyes, she'd get disturbed by the loud thoughts in her mind that made sleep impossible.

     She was sat with a box of biscuits and a cup of warm tea in the dark room with the volume of the TV on low hoping that she'll just fall asleep. She reached her hand into the box but felt only the plastic case that was now empty.

     Jade frowned as she realized she had eaten all of the biscuits. She tossed the box into the trash and cuddled up to her pillow resting her head lightly on her arm. During the movie her thoughts had all changed to biscuits as a craving began to sink in.

     She climbed out of bed and went to the kitchen, looking through the cabinets for one of her other box's, or one of the girls' she could steal. But unfortunately they were all gone Jade had no biscuits.

     She sighed and frowned with the craving growing stronger. Out the window she took notice of the bus driving though a city. Jade took that as an advantage and went to the front of the tour bus where she saw their driver sitting with a cup of coffee in his hand.

     Sensing someone nearby he glanced up and lightly smiled at the blue-haired girl. "Hello, Jade, everything alright?"

     "Not really." She mumbles. "We haven't got anymore biscuits and I really want some. Can we stop somewhere for a bit so I can buy some?"

     "Of course." He says, knowing not to upset Jade when she wants biscuits.

     Jade lightly smiles and takes a seat on the sofa nearby. "Thanks."

    After a few minutes the bus comes to a stop at an Asda. Jade exits the bus and goes inside to search for her favourite snack. After a while of looking and choosing which ones to buy, she began walking to the front to pay.

    Passing the aisles a voice called Jade's name and she slowly turned around, seeing a girl with long dark hair staring at her.

     "Ellie." Jade whispers, frowning at the girl she had once hoped would become her sister. She turns back around quickly walks away, not wanting anything to do with the people that caused her so much pain.

     "Jade, wait!" Ellie calls. She chases after her and lightly grasps Jade's arm, turning her to face her.

     "Let me go, Ellie." Jade quietly demands.

     "I just want to talk to you."

     "I don't want to hear it!" Jade tries to walk off again but Ellie keeps a hold on her arm.

     "Jade, I didn't know about the bet." Ellie states. "I didn't know anything about any of that until just after you found out."

     "Oh you can quit pretending." Jade mumbles, trying hard to fight back the tears in her eyes.

     "I'm not pretending." She insists. "They kept it between them, only Diversity was involved. I didn't know. I'm so sorry, Jade. But Sam didn't-"

     "Sam didn't love me." Jade mutters, cutting her off as the tears begin falling. "Yeah, yeah, I get it."

     Ellie frowns and shakes her head. "Sam didn't want to hurt you." She finishes her sentence. "You didn't stay long enough to hear the whole story. Sam does love you, Jade. He didn't at first, but you got him hooked. It wasn't always a lie, Sam loves you. He genuinely loves you."

     "Ellie, stop." Jade begs. "I don't know what you've all come up with but I'm not going to fall for it. I know better than to trust any of you again. So whatever you're doing, just stop!" Tears heavily fall from Jade's eyes and she pries herself out of Ellie's grip, dropping the biscuits on a table as she loses her appetite.

     She starts running out of the store with Ellie watching after her sadly. "I'm not lying." She whispers.


     Diversity, who were stopped in Sheffield for tour promotions, were hanging around their hotel doing random things to keep busy. Ellie had soon returned with bags full of junk food and soda for the horror movie marathon they would all be having.

     She set the bags on the table where the majority of the boys were and then walked off to the kitchen where she saw Ashley getting a glass of water. "Hey, where's Sam?" She asks.

     Ashley raises an eyebrow at her question and frowns. "Where do you think?"

     Ellie sighs and looks into the hall that led to the bedrooms.

     After Jade found out about the bet Sam went a bit crazy with missing her. He left the group and went away for a month, not wanting to be with the people that created the bet and led to all of this heartbreak. He knew it was his fault for this happening and that he should've told them sooner, but he blamed them anyways.

     He spent almost all of his time drinking, using it as a way to ease the pain he caused for himself. Kimberly had found him drunk outside Jade's empty flat in the pouring rain and had to drag him back home.

     "Do you think he'll ever get over this?" Ellie asks sadly.

     "I hope so." Ashley sighs. "I warned him that one or both of them would get hurt."

     "No kidding." Ellie scoffs. "I saw Jade tonight and she-"

     "You saw Jade?"

     Ellie turns around and sees Sam standing behind her. "Yeah."

     Sam frowns and looks at Ellie curiously, hoping that Jade had moved past what happened. "How is she?"

     "Well I only saw her for a minute but there's no doubt in my mind that she's still heartbroken." Ellie mumbles. "I tried to explain things but all that did was cause her to cry and run away."

     "Were you able to?" Sam asks. "Explain? Did she listen?"

     "No. She thought I was lying and setting her up for something that would cause her more pain."

     "How would you do that?" Ashley questions. "Why would explaining make things worse?"

     "I don't know." Ellie sighs. "Maybe she thought it was a trick for her to forgive Sam and let more bad things happen? Whatever her reason, she just didn't want to believe it."

     Sam frowns and looks down at her feet. "I should've told you all the truth." He says sadly. "I can't believe I let this happen." With no response from either one of them Sam sighs and walks over to open the fridge.

     He pulls out a case of beer and heads to his room to drink his sorrows away.


I know these first chapters are short, but they're just insights to what's been going on. They'll start getting longer soon. :)

~Question Of The Chapter~

What did Sam do after Jade found out about the bet?

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