I Promise

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I Promise

     Jade was sitting on her bed in the hotel room she was sharing with Leigh-Anne. She had connected her laptop to the TV and was watching all of their old X Factor videos, wanting to remember the happiest moments in her life.

     After the compliments from the other judges about their duet with Tulisa, Leigh-Anne came into the room with a bag on her arm. She got a glimpse of them and Tulisa before it changed to the next VT.

     "Best moment on stage." Leigh-Anne grins. "Apart from winning, of course. And being put together."

     Jade lightly smiles and nods, scooting over as Leigh-Anne decides to sit next to her instead of on her own bed. "I still can't believe we won."

     "Neither can I, and it's been more than a year." Leigh-Anne sighs at the shocking memory, wishing to relive it all. "What are you doing watching all of these? You should've come shopping with us."

     Jade shrugs and rests her head on Leigh-Anne's shoulder. "I just wanted to remember what everything felt like. Back when my life wasn't screwed up."

     Leigh-Anne frowns and sits up straight. "Jade, don't let him do this to you. It's been months, you need to start getting over him."

     "I want to. I've really been trying, but I just can't." She says sadly. "I still love him, as much as I hate to admit it. And if that's not enough, the fans still love the idea of us together. I get constant reminders of us on Twitter. And there's the fact that I saw Ellie last night and she tried to get me to forgive him."

     Leigh-Anne widens her eyes and sits up straight. "Sam's sister?! Why would she do that? Haven't they already done enough?!"

     "That's what I said!" Jade exclaims. "She kept insisting that Sam never wanted to hurt me. If that were true, he wouldn't have admitted it to me! He wanted me hurt, and now that he's got that he's trying to do more! And leaving his little sister to try and convince me." She mutters.

     Leigh-Anne rolls her eyes. "Right, you need to put that entire family and group in the past."

     "Didn't you just hear me? I'm trying!"

     "Not hard enough. You need a little push." She smirks.

     Jade becomes nervous by the look she's being given and sinks into her pillow. "What do you mean?"

     "Oh c'mon, you haven't gone partying with me in ages!" Leigh-Anne exclaims. "Get some drinks in you, flirt with some cute guys, and just forget for a while."

     "A broken heart and alcohol do not work well." She insists. "I'll be crying all night!"

     "Maybe. But it's a good way to let out all of the other emotions, all the ones you've been trying to hold in." Leigh-Anne states. "It'll help."

     "Are you sure?"

     "I promise."

     Jade bites her lip and sighs. "Just promise to keep an eye on me, alright? Don't let me do anything stupid."

     Leigh-Anne grins and nods. "Course. Now let's get ready and we can head out."


     Three hours after they got to the club Jade had consumed a lot of alcohol and was definitely not sober. Instead of being a crying drunk like they had expected, Jade was laughing at everything and couldn't stop.

     The fact that Jade was acting this way made Leigh-Anne's night a lot better and they kept encouraging each other to take drinks, even having a shot competition with a guy that had challenged them.

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