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  • Dedicated to All of my amazing readers. :)


     This was it, the moment Sam's been dreading for nearly a year. He knew it was going to happen, whether he and Jade got back together or not. He knew that just a few minutes would make him feel like a monster and a heartless bastard.

     Hearing the words that came out of Jade's mouth made him want to run away and start drinking again so he wouldn't feel as bad as he did, but he knew better. Sam had to sit and listen to the words. He needed to know how he made her feel so he knew not to make that mistake again.

     "Are you sure you don't want me to turn it off?" Jade asks quietly as the album plays. "You don't need to hear this." She reaches for the phone to skip the song but Sam stops her.

     "Yes I do." He looks over at the brunette and frowns, seeing the emotions from the song in her eyes.

     "I'm sorry, Sam. I didn't even want to put this on the album." She mumbles.

     He quickly shakes his head and moves his hand from his lap to hers, softly squeezing her thigh. "You have nothing to apologize for. I knew you were going to write, and I knew the girls were going to write, it was expected."


     "No buts, you're the innocent one. And I'm sure the fans love hearing real emotion." He says under his breath.

     Jade groans and leans her head back against the wall. "Oh no. Do you think the fans will know that it's about you?"

     "Probably." He shrugs, biting his lip nervously as he realizes that Jade's breakup ballad was out in the public for the world to hear about how Sam did her wrong. "It's alright, though, I deserve it."

     "No you don't." Jade lifts his arm and wraps it around her shoulders as she cuddles into his hold. "You went through hell to make it up to me and I know you didn't even want the bet to be exposed. You're about as innocent as I am, Sam."

     He scoffs and folds his arm over his lap. "No I'm not. I broke you heart. And don't say it's okay because what you're singing proves that I broke you more than I thought. I am so sorry, Jade."

     She opens her mouth to say it's okay, but knows it'll just make him more upset. "Sam, what happened is in the past now. You and I are back together and we're happy, and our fans are happy. They'll probably ignore the fact that a song or three is about you."

     His eyes widen and he sits up straight. "Three?! I thought it was just two?!"

     Jade lightly chuckles and rubs his arm, pulling Sam back down beside her. "I think you'll like the third one."

     "I doubt that." He mutters.

     She softly kisses his bare shoulder and takes his phone, scrolling through the track list of their album. "I started writing this before we broke up. And after a few months I decided it'd be good for the album and the girls agreed so we finished it."

     "Another ballad or another diss?" He mumbles, upset that a majority of the album could possibly have lyrics about him.

     "Neither." She presses track eleven, a drum beat in the intro. "It's more of a softer and sweeter version of Love Drunk."

     Sam lightly smiles in relief that it's not all bad, and that even after their breakup Jade was able to write about her original feelings towards him. He listens closely to the lyrics and feels most of the grief of the previous songs fading.

     "Think its my new nickname for you." Jade says as she moves in bed she's resting her head on his lap and looking up into his eyes. "My loverboy."

     Sam lightly chuckles and runs a hand through her hair, soon realizing something. "You know, you have multiple nicknames for me and I have none for you. I call you love, babe, or me woman, but those aren't really nicknames."

     "That's probably because I'm more creative." She teases.

     "That's exactly the reason." He says sarcastically, laughing lightly at her wink.

     She giggles and sits back up, softly pressing her lips to his. "So, Sammy. SuperSam. Loverboy." She teases, making him roll his eyes. "Guess what."


     "I love you."

     Sam chuckles and wraps his arms around her, pulling her so she's sitting in his lap and pressing his lips to her temple. "Jade, I have a secret."

     She raises an eyebrow and pulls back curiously. "And what's that?"

     "I love you." He whispers.

     Jade smiles brightly and locks her arms around his shoulder. "Not much of a secret. But if it was, it's a good one that you're not very well at hiding." She presses her lips back to his before nuzzling her face in his neck. "I feel like I'm going to disappoint the girls."

     "Why? Because we're together? I thought they were getting over what happened? Perrie's happy for us, Jesy started seeing Jordan again which means she's over it, and Leigh-Anne doesn't look like she wants to slap me every time we see each other."

     Jade lightly chuckles at their hesitation, then cuddles more into him. "No. It's because I can't forget that boy." She says, quoting their song for her. "I love him more than anything."

     "Good. Because he loves you just as much and knows better than to ever hurt you again." Sam says as he kisses her temple again.


Not sure how I feel about adding the story titles in, but whatever. :P The series is over! Exactly one week ago was the one year anniversary of I Have A Secret, feels like it was just a few months ago, wow. :)

Thank you all so much for sticking to this series, I honestly wasn't expecting the first book to even get 20 reads, now it's at more than 67k with over 1k votes! Holy ----!!! I've doubted this book a lot and have always had moments where I question why I even posted it, but you all seem to like it and that makes me so happy.

You guys are the sweetest and I love reading your comments and seeing new votes on chapters, it means the world to me and I'm so thankful to everyone that has made it this far and stuck through it to the end. Thank you. :D ♥♥♥♥

~Question Of The Series~

What was your favourite part out of both books?

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