False Plans

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False Plans

     When Jade woke up she found herself in an empty room. She remembered what Elizabeth did to her and quickly say up, but felt an overwhelming amount of pain in her arm. She glanced up at saw it was cuffed to a bar on the window, which had caused it to go numb while she was asleep.

     Jade slowly stood to her feet, careful not to move her arm and feel more of the burning pain. One she was steady on her feet, she pulled the curtain back and looked out, hoping there was somebody nearby she can call for help.

     But her only view had been a brick wall of the building next to wherever she was. It was barred and she was just able to make out the empty alley below.

     "Morning." A voice taunts. Jade quickly turns around to see Elizabeth, ignoring the pain she just brought to her arm by doing so. "Well, actually it's noon. You've been out for a while, those sleeping pills have a great effect!" Elizabeth exclaims.

     Jade's eyes widen and she looks at her in shock. "You drugged me?!"

     "Well how else was I supposed to get you inside? It's not like you'd come willingly, and I can't drag you. I just told someone that you had passed out from too much alcohol and they carried you up. You've been out for nearly fifteen hours."

     Jade scrunches up her nose and rubs her numb arm to soothe the now fading pain, worried if the pills will have some other type of effect. "Why are you doing this?"

     Elizabeth groans and rolls her eyes. "Do I really have to over this again? I want Sam back, but seeing as he's still mad for you, there's no chance of that happening. At least, not until you're permanently removed and he'll have no choice but to get over you."

     "Oh come on!" Jade cries. "Sam doesn't love me! You know what happened between us, so why do you think otherwise?!"

     "Because I heard him telling the boys." She mutters.

     "You must've heard him talking about someone else." Jade insists. "He doesn't love me!"

     Elizabeth rolls her eyes, ignoring Jade's words in a way not to repeat herself.

     Jade sighs and decides to play along, attempting to do anything to get free. "Alright, let's say he does love me. I don't love him, I hate him. I don't want him back."

     Elizabeth scoffs and lightly chuckles. "You know, for someone so smart, you really are stupid. If you didn't love Sam, you wouldn't have wanted to get back at him. If you really were over him, you would've left it alone. Instead you decided to trust me, the girl that Sam has warned you about a million times!"

    Jade looks down sadly and folds her free arm, disappointed in herself for trusting her so easily. "Alright, maybe I do still love him. But I do hate him, Elizabeth. Sam broke my heart, I could never forgive him."

     "But he hopes you will. As long as Sam believes there is the slightest possibility of you still wanting him, he's not going to get over you."

     "How is that my fault?!" Jade cries.

     "You're the one that got him whipped." She states. "For a person to go from absolutely hating someone to falling desperately in love with them, you've practically ruined his life. Do you even know what Sam did to himself after your break up?"

     Jade shakes her head, but doesn't let her fear get in the way of her anger. "I don't care! And if anyone's life if ruined because of this relationship, it's mine! I had my heart broken and began to question the love that even my family gave me, and now I've been kidnapped by his psycho ex who is probably planning my murder as we speak!"

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