Chapter 3

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"I'm awake!" My head shoots up. My eyes start to droop back down, but the sound of his voice wakes me up again.

"You fell asleep," He walks to the other side of the counter next to me. "in our pasta." He takes the plastic bowl and throws it in the trash. He then takes fork out of my fist and tosses it into the sink. "Do you wanna go uh, clean up?"

It takes me another second to process what was going on. I take a look to my left, then my right and see my face in the wall mirror. Pasta sauce was spread all over my face. Right when I blinked a noodle slid down my nose and onto the counter.

"I really like pasta." I tell him while slowly nodding. To the bathroom I go. I hop off the high stool and stride away. I close the door behind me. I think I'm in love....with this soft ass carpet. I actually took the time to admire the bathroom.

There's a tub, and a shower. I'm speechless. I strip off my clothes and put them in the bin. I step in the shower and turn on the water. I can shower without worrying if I use too much water. There were five bottles on the first shelf of the shower rack. Which one of these are body wash? I skim the bottles from left and to right.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" I scream.

"Baby are you ok?" He rushes into the bathroom.

"We have five different types of soap!" I peek my head around the curtain and yell to him.

"Yes, I know." He rubs the back of his neck. I hold a finger up while I put my head back in the shower. I take two of the bottles and hold them out.

"Ooh should I use Passion fruit Pineapple, or Kiwi Strawberry Lemon?" For a few seconds he stares at me with a look of disbelief. I stare back awaiting for his response.

"I don't know. Passion fruit Pineapple." He mutters before leaving. PFP it is. They should have named it PashPine. It's shorter and more catchy. PashPine Industries. See that, catchy.

|° • ° • ° • ° • ° • ° • °|

I haven't taken a shower that good in a brick. I dry myself and look for the lotion. Not on the sink. Not by the counter. I open the cabinet and have to restrain myself from screaming again. An entire cabinet dedicated to lotions. I am stunned.

After I finished in the bathroom, I slipped on some slides and went to the room to get some clothes. Wait. Why check here when I have an entire closet upstairs? I turn myself around and made my way upstairs. The guy sat at the kitchen table and didn't mind me.

I remembered exactly where it was. How could I forget? I opened the door and found the remote right where I left it. I push the main button and my closet slides open. Let me say that again. My closet slides open.

|° • ° • ° • ° • ° • °|

I pieced an outfit together and stood in the mirror for about ten minutes. It's gonna be a while before I get used to this.

"Ready to go?" He asks from the doorway.

"Sure," I close the walk-in. The chills. "where are we going again?"

"To my parents' beach house. We've planned this like two weeks ago. How did you already forget?" He goes down the stairs pretty fast and I have to rush to catch up.

"We're meeting your parents?!" I panic. I don't even know his first name. How am I supposed to pull this off?

"Why are you so nervous now? You never were the other times." He takes one of the keys from the key rack. This could have been way worse. Thank God it's not the first time.

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