Chapter 10

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"My crepes!" I shoot up in bed.

"What's wrong?" Kevin slowly wakes up, rubbing his eyes.

"I gotta eat my crepes!"

"Huh?" He yawns. I start to run out the room but do a quick u-turn.

"Clothes. I need clothes." I slide on the shorts I wore yesterday and a tank top. No time for a bra. Crepes, here comes mama. I put the microwave on a minute and go to brush my teeth. After brushing I have a small debate on washing my face or not. It can wait. Crepes, here I come. I open the microwave and my smile instantly drops. W-Where are my crepes? I check the fridge and they're not there. I slowly sink to the ground and lay flat in my despair.

"What are you doing?" Devin towers over me, scratching his head.

"Sulking in a puddle of depression because my crepes are gone."

"You're talking about the crepes that were in the microwave last night?" I nod my head yes and fake sniffle.

"Oh, I ate those. My bad." He steps over me to go to the fridge. I grab his ankle.

"You what?!"

"I ate the crepes that were in the microwave last night." He says it slower.

"Why would you eat my crepes?!" I start ferociously poking him.

"Hey, stop that." He tries to hop away. 

"You ate my crepes with no remorse!" I start to chase him around the house.

"Stop poking me!" He yells. I trip over the top stair. "You ok?" He asks from a distance. I keep my head down, holding my leg. "Shit. Are you crying?" He walks over and places a hand on my shoulder. He lifts my head up and I try to keep an angry face but burst in laughter. I start attacking him with pokes again as he runs away.

"Ok, I'm tired now." I put my hands on my knees and catch my breath. "I still don't understand running for fun." I lay back on the couch.

"What's going on out here?" Kevin sleepily asks, trudging into the living room.

"Devin ate my crepes!" I hop up on my the couch and point my finger at him.

"Oh, I thought it was something serious." He heads to the fridge.

"It is serious." I speed walk over to him. "He just crashes at our place, meanwhile you wanted to say no, and then he just raids the food." My arms flail around a bit.

"You're the one who didn't want him to sleep on the streets. Your problem." He pulls out ingredients to make breakfast. I sit on one of the high stools in silence. R.I.P to my crepes.

"Someone's salty." Devin mumbles and sits across from me. I ignore him, swinging my feet and looking anywhere but his face. After about fifteen minutes Kevin starts cleaning up the kitchen.

"You're not eating?" I reach for a piece of bacon from the single plate.

"I am." He swiftly picks up the plate, just before I get a piece.

"Wait, where's my food?" Devin asks. We both give him a look. "Our food?"

"You have hands. There's the stove." He states then walks out. I try to brush it off, even though he sounded harsh. Probably just a little grumpy, it's cool. I start washing the pan in the sink.

"I guess I'll cook for two. How many eggs do you want?"


"Where you headed?" I ask Kevin, meeting him just as I leave the bathroom.

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