Chapter 5

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Yesterday was so fun! I love Kevin's family. Shari had to leave to help her mom with something, so the little girl took her place. That little girl was no youngin'. She won thirty bucks last night.

I walk out the bathroom to the smell of delicious eggs and bacon. I run to the kitchen, and Kevin was cooking. My face frowns when I see a small stack of pancakes.

"I don't like pancakes." I say a little disappointed.

"I know that, Siaani." He rolls his eyes. "That's why you have waffles." He puts two on my plate. I feel like an only child on Christmas. I'm getting attention here!

"Where's th-" Before I get to finish, he hands me the syrup. I grin before pouring it on my waffles. The way to a girl's heart is through her tummy. Well it's the way to a man's heart, but I'm changing it. Breaking gender boundaries people. Take lead.

"So how's life been?" He asks as he sits down across from me.

"Delicious." These waffles are so good. He laughs.

"It feels like it's been so long since we actually got to spend time together. Just us you know." I nod in agreement. "Remember that time when we stayed at the beach house, and we drew deez nuts in a heart in the sand." We both start to laugh. It'd probably be funnier if I knew what he was talking about.

Now I'm feeling all weird inside. He fell in love with this past Siaani, before I got here. What if I'm different somehow? What if he doesn't like this Siaani? It's just that in my past relationships, they didn't like the me I am now. So there's nothing to make me think that all of a sudden someone likes me for me.

"You ok babe?" He asks, genuinely worried.

"Oh, yea. I was just thinking." I break the eye contact.


"Do you love me?" I blurt out. "Like, do you love me, still? Did I change?"

"Where did that come from?" He chuckles. "Of course I love you and I always will. I promise. Why do you feel like you've changed?"

"I don't know." I start to feel embarrassed. "I just feel different." I sheepishly shrug.

"Blushing." He teases me, poking my arm.

"I am not blushing. That's makeup. It's called blush for a reason." I lie.

"Sure." He winks at me. "Cheer up. You should be super excited that we're seeing your family."

"We're seeing my family!" I shout and begin jumping around. See, if I knew that, I'd be super excited and jumping around five minutes ago. "Oh my God! This was a reunion weekend we planned!" I know for a fact that I brought up this idea. It has my name written all over it. "It's Sunday!" I kept forgetting to ask, but now I actually know the weekday. You don't understand how much of an accomplishment that is for me right now.

I sat on the floor where I was standing. I'm tired now, but still very excited. I get to see everyone! Kevin handed me my plate so I ate on the floor.

|° • ° • ° • ° • ° • °|

"Awake!" I shoot up, only to be choked by my seat belt. I thought these were supposed to make car rides safer. Almost killed me.

"We're here." He turns off the car. I try to run out the car, but forget that my seat belt is still on. Finally taking it off, I run to the familiar doorstep and knock. Kevin catches up and stands next to me.

"Sisi!" Pauna yells when she sees me.

"What's poppinnnnnn'?" I shout and hug her.

"What's poppinnnnnn'?" Arcadia yells. She joins the hug. We shuffle inside the house, still in our group hug. I close the door with my foot after Kevin walks in. We continue shuffling until we reach the couch. Pauna trips and pulls us down with her.

His Bleeding Heart k.a.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon