6. Oceans

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Take that step into oceans now
Breathe out as the water spins you down
Let the waves caress your skin
And feel the poisoned dream begin.

A choir of whispers in the dark
And singing, sweetly as a lark
Melodious, mellow, met with midnight
Without a morning, without the sunlight.

Freezing in the depths unseen
But numbness feels so evergreen
And frozen over you shall be
In comfort that you've never seen.

You're sinking to the ocean floor,
To rest beneath the fallen snow
of shipwrecks from the days of gold,
and sleep you are to know.

Will you dream, do you know?
And will you wake from the undertow
Or will you lie forever here
forgetting those who wept with tears
because you chose the ocean deep -

because -
Instead of life, you chose to sleep.


I feel like this is one of my best poems to date, including everything else in this book past this point. It's also definitely one of the creepiest, but the mood works well here, so I think everything's good. 

- Polyphony

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