Chapter 10

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The next day you and Tsu'tey went on patrol with a few young hunters. You guys heard a commotion and machines in the near distance and decided to go see what it was. What you saw when you got there almost made you break down and cry. RDA bulldozers were tearing down all the tree's in their path. You looked over to Tsu'tey and saw his anger. He looked like he wanted to run out and kill every RDA soldier in his path but knew he needed to get everyone back to Hometree and consult Eytukan first. You, Tsu'tey, and the few hunters on patrol with you rode furiously back to Hometree, extremely pissed off and heartbroken.

Time Skip
Back at Hometree Eytukan gave Tsu'tey permission to rally a war party and attack the RDA. Jake and Netiri ran in holding hands trying to stop Tsu'tey from making any rash decisions. Tsu'tey and Jake started fighting and you worried for both, Jake being like a brother to you and your best friend and Tsu'tey your mate. You stood next to Grace and had your arms wrapped together. Grace was like a mother to you. Jake and Tsu'tey stopped fighting so Jake could tell the clan something. While he was speaking he passed out, so did Grace and Tsu'tey was holding a knife to Jake's throat then before you knew it, you and Netiri had knocked Tsu'tey off of Jake. The last thing you saw was Tsu'tey's hurt and worried face.

Time Skip
You were given 1 hour to get the clan to evacuate Hometree before they blew it to pieces and Jake, you, and Grace were trying to get the clan to move. You were pissed at the RDA for killing Netiri's sister even though you didn't know her. You were pissed at the RDA for destroying the sacred tree's the Omaticaya held so dear. Pissed at the RDA for killing Na'vi. Pissed that the RDA are making the clan move for their own selfish needs. In general you were just pissed and you'd be damned if you were gonna let the RDA take anyone from you. You three were trying to get the Na'vi to listen and move as much as you didn't want to you knew that if they didn't they would all die. Jake told the clan that he knew they were coming and that he was sent there to learn their ways so that one day he could relay the message and they would believe it. You and Grace were beyond pissed at Jake and so was Tsu'tey, Netiri, Mo'at, and Eytukan. Eytukan ordered for you 3 to be bound. Tsu'tey looked at you with an unreadable expression but with hurt in his eyes. You were bound outside of Hometree along with Grace and Jake yelling at the clan to run. Tsu'tey and Netiri would both look at you with blank expressions then go back to looking for the RDA ships.
"Run God damn it! Run!" You and Jake kept yelling. You we're yelling for Tsu'tey and Jake was yelling for Netiri but they kept ignoring you then suddenly the ships appeared and the Na'vi started firing arrows in a useless attempt at saving themselves and their home. In took a few minutes for the RDA to get there...then they fired.

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