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(Note; Picture above is Faye when she's not acting....without all of the makeup and stuff on) 

The wind blew softly through the half-open window, carrying the beautiful melodies of the world beyond my window to greet my ears with their murmuring voices. My eyelids fluttered open at the sensation of being caressed by the breeze unveiling my deep blue eyes. I let a short puff of air fall from my naturally pink lips. My raven black hair caught the rays of sunlight which were shining through the window showing the true colors of my hair; dark shades of blue and green.

I was lying on my books and papers that I had been studying the previous day. I was hoping to up my intellect past that of einsteins and other well-known geniuses. I was actually quite close, I just needed a little bit more studying. Of course with my photographic memory, I was already one of the most intelligent beings on the planet. My brain could solve an algebraic equation faster than a computer or calculator. It was as if I had a library of knowledge locked up in my brain. 

I slowly sat up a calm expression wafted onto my face and I let out a yawn covering my mouth politely--even though no one but me was present because it was my room- -with my left hand at the same time as I was holding my slightly rumpled white shirt closed over my reasonable sized chest with my right hand. I felt my unruly messy dark hair brush over my mid back muscles making me realize that I forgot to tie it up yesterday. 

My facial expression changed slightly so that it looked a little less calm and a little more reluctant, of course only a very observant person like Itachi from Naruto would notice my change in expression. I had forgotten about the interview I had scheduled for today. My manager had said to meet her at 10;00 so that we could make our way so the location where the interview would take place. 

I quickly stood up to my full height of 5'11 inches and adjusted my large black glasses, if I were to take them off I would be as blind as a bat. I had contacts that I wore in the daytime, when I am out in the public or when I am in a photoshoot etc. I rush around my large home doing my daily duties, of course, I had a personal chef and a few servants but I really didn't want to cause more work for them, they do enough for me already. Smiling gently I tie my dark hair up into a ponytail letting my bangs hang loosely over my deep blue eyes, my glasses replaced with clear contacts. I only put a little lip gloss on and slap my cheeks slightly causing them to turn a little red. I then pull on a new and clean white shirt (as well as a white bra and underwear) and put on my favorite pair of baggy black pants and combat boots. on top of my white shirt, I put a brown leather vest tucking it into my black pants. (Note; picture above) 

I walk briskly out of my house (after I have breakfast) towards my chauffer who is waiting outside of a black shiny car with tinted windows so that my fans wouldn't know that Faye Williams the famous actor and model was inside. I gift him with one of my grateful smiles and gracefully step into the vehicle after he opens the door for me. 

When inside and comfortably seated, I take out my iPhone and text my manager telling her that I would be at the coffee shop where we would meet in 5 mins.

Placing my phone back in my pocket I think back on the anime that I had just finished re-watching last night. I had taken a break from studying, my 25-year-old brain tired and wanting the relief of watching my favorite characters fight in the war. Oh how I wished to be in the Narutoverse, I would give anything to go, even my career and all of my money, when I thought of this my eyes glazed over and a look of yearning passed over my face, a blissful sigh puffed from my lips as I thought of all the adventures I could have with team seven, I wished to meet all of the characters and save the thirds life as well as Neji, with me around the chance of Neji dying was at zero percent. Oh and Gaara, poor Gaara, I wished to end his sorrow and pain, I wanted to allow him to sleep and more than anything I wanted to kick that Shukaku's ass!! 

My face reverted back to its kind expression and I gazed out of the window dreaming of what I wished my life to be like. Recalling the match I had had with my sensei a few days ago I allowed a small chuckle to escape from my lungs, I had absolutely annihilated him. My martial arts skills (Taijutsu) were unmatched, I had surpassed all of my past sensei's and my weapon use could crush Tentens skills easily.   

Long story short I was a genius. Not meaning to brag but it was the truth, I believed that I would be better suited for the title of a ninja than that of a famous actor, although my acting skills would definitely help me out in the world of Naruto. 

I rested my chin on the palm of my hand and gently closed my eyes, shutting out the world, leaving me to freely imagine what my life in the ninja world would be like.

Oh, how I wished to any god that was out there listening that my wish to travel into Naruto's world would be granted. Obviously, I know that the dream was far fetched and the possibility of it being granted was minuscule, I couldn't help holding on to the hope that one day it might just come true.

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined." I whispered softly my voice drifting around the back of the car. 

"by Henery David Thoureau" I said under my breath.

My second favorite thing to do after watching anime was quoting famous people. It made me feel safe and calms me. I also sound wise and knowledgeable which I am but still, I enjoy it. Sometimes I forget about all around me and just recite quotes and occasionally even poems. 

The shrill sounds of screeching tires filled the air and I snapped my head towards the front of the car to look out of the windshield. A truck was barrelling towards us at a startlingly fast pace. My brain made all of the connections in less than half a second, I calculated the speed of the truck and the car I was currently riding in as well as all the other measurements, running over the possible scenarios inside of my head. The conclusion I came to was that it was impossible to stop this collision. I rested my head back onto the back of the seat and relaxed my muscles. I had accepted the fact that my death was less than 5 seconds away and was now preparing to draw my final breath. I did not want to die but I trusted my intelligence and knew that I would not survive this.

"Life is too short to be anything but happy." I spoke with a smile both in my words and on my face. 

"God, if you are out there please grant my wish to be reincarnated into the Narutoverse" I said 

"Coarse the rush-mat roof

Sheltering the harvest hut

of the autumn rice-field; 

And my sleeves are growing wet 

With the moisture dripping through." I laughed happily my eyes still closed, it looked as if I was peacefully sleeping instead of preparing myself for death. 

"That was one of my favorite poems written by Emperor Tenchi" and with those parting word the Truck rammed into us and my vision went black.  

(Note; Comment, Vote etc.  I hope it is a little different from the other fanfics about Sakura. Please let me know what you think, I'm always open to new ideas and feedback. And if you spot any grammar or spelling mistakes I would be eternally grateful if you could point them out for me so that I can fix them. Thanks!! <3)

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