Chapter five

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What was going to happen next was one of the really funny moments in the Naruto anime. I was currently sitting on a concrete bench waiting for Sasuke or should I say Naruto to make his appearance. I closed the lid of my bento and made sure to look a little dejected at not finding Sasuke. My Sakura act was probably the best out of all of the characters because in my old before I became famous I would often play the part of a weak oblivious girl in movies. 

The wind blew my bright pink hair around and leaves flew past my face. I stared down at my bento making sure to hide away all of the other emotions in my eyes. I inhaled a large breath of air that smelled faintly of ramen. Placing my bento of to the side I rested my hands in my lap then after about two seconds had passed I changed positions to resting my chin in my hands while sighing sadly. I began to count down the seconds until Naruto would arrive. 

Now. I glanced up making a surprised look and a startled noise left my lips. There leaning confidently against the front of a tree with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face was Naruto transformed into Sasuke. Wow in real life it does look like Sasuke but of course, he couldn't fool me, I could already spot one or two faults in the transformation. 

I squealed slightly then looked away blushing. At this point in the anime Sakura had a fantasy about Sasuke complimenting her forehead but for obvious reasons I didn't, one of them being my real age of 25. 

"Sakura your forehead is so wide and charming," He said while slowly walking up to me then coming to a stop. There it is. I gasped out and looked up at him. 

"It makes me feel like kissing it," He said once again. Naruto couldn't help the slight blush that swept over his face that was so unlike Sasuke it made me want to laugh. 

"Just kidding that's the kind of dumb thing that Naruto would say, " he said. I looked down my long pink bangs falling around my face. I think I have always liked Sakura's hair but I do wish that I still had my black hair that shined dark blue and green in the light. Further on in the anime, I think I'll dye it. 

"I wanna ask you something," He said while sitting down next to me. 

"Naruto, what do you think of him?" he asked. I look at him but he's staring ahead matching Sasuke's expression almost perfectly. I could do better but I'm not going to tell him that. I'm also not going to say what the old Sakura said about Naruto, she was such a bitch. 

"Naruto," I start, leaning back and looking up at the clouds. 

"Naruto inspires me, He's such a determined fun and energetic boy, he never lets anything get him down and I feel so sorry for him because he has no parents. I'm sure if they were still alive they would love him unconditionally. Naruto Is a fantastic person who I admire and think of as a younger brother, of course, I act as if I hate him in class because, well, because everyone else does. Sasuke? does that make me a horrible person?" While saying that last sentence I look up at Sasuke's shocked and amazed face, he had tears in his eyes. 

"Uh....n-no Sakura..uh your an amazing person" he stutters out. How cute.

"But he's still a little annoying at times" I smile absentmindedly up at him. 

"Your so kind Sakura" he whispered out blushing madly

We were staring at each other when the sound of an upset stomach growled like a sick animal frightening away a couple of birds. His face scrunched up and his eyes turned into massive circles. He jumped up and sprinted of while yelling;

"I'll be back Sakura!"

I grin while letting a tinkling laugh fall from my lips. I cross my smooth strong legs and lean back fully while closing my eyes against the harmful rays of sun. I listen to the sound of the village and the images of what was occurring in various locations inside it drifted across my mind. The feeling of a fresh cold breeze wafted around my feet picking up dust then continued on its way like a playful rabbit. 

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