Chapter nine

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"Alright training start's now" Said Kakashi

We were all standing outside about to begin the tree climbing exercise which, of course, I could already do. But, sadly, even though I have a little control over water I still can't balance on it using chakra. Kakashi was leaning on two wooden crutches and I marveled at how different they were from the ones back in my world.

"Right!" Yelled Naruto, he looked bursting with excitement, he was practically jumping up and down.  

"First we will begin with a review of chakra, the ninja's basic source of power understanding chakra is essential" Said Kakashi holding one finger up in the air. 

"We know that" Came Sasuke's arrogant voice from beside me. 

I glanced at him to see he has a hand d on his hip and an expressionless face. I smiled slightly to myself before turning my attention onto Naruto

"He's right a long time ago we learned about...uh...catra!" Naruto said

"Chakra" corrected Kakashi giving Naruto a knowing look

Naruto laughed nervously with sweat droplets collecting on his face. 

"Go ahead Sakura" Kakashi said, exasperated.

Alright, chakra is the elemental life energy a ninja uses in Jutsu, it's the source of all his power. Now, this energy had two forms, physical energy which exists in all the cells in the entire body all working together and spiritual energy the primal source of power which is intensified through training and experience these two types of chakra must be drawn out and brought together to perform Jutsu notice the interplay between physical and spiritual power that's the key. Finally, hand signs focus and unleash the chakra" I said but instead of using Sakura's 'know it all snotty voice' I used my normal 'stating the facts' voice with a closed eye smile on my face. 

"Right on al points Iruka-sensei really did have some excellent students" Kakashi said proudly with a closed eye smile to match mine 

"Gah! what's the deal with all these complicated explanations, the whole point is to learn the Jutsu isn't it?" Said Naruto with squinted eyes and clenched fists. 

"Naruto's right for once we're already using chakra energy in our Jutsu" Said Sasuke, cocky bastard

"No, you have not mastered this power you've barely scratched the surface of it"

"WHAT D'YOU MEAN!!" shouted Naruto glaring at Kakashi

I sighed and shook my head a grin barely concealed by my hand which I was using in place of the fan that I had in my past world. 

"Calm down and listen, it's just like Sakura said you have to draw on physical and spiritual energies and then combine them within yourself but how do you do that?-" Kakashi asked mysteriously 

"-Each Jutsu requires different types of chakra in different proportions you must select and combine them in exactly the right way. Up to now, you've just guessed at the proportions hoping they come out right even if you can produce a lot of chakra if you can't balance and control it it's all worthless. The just won't work at all or it will just be a joke. You waste so much energy that way then you're out of chakra and you can't fight at all your just a target." Kakashi continued solemnly 

"Uh, so how do we change that eheheh" Naruto laughed while scratching the back of his head sheepishly.

"You train so hard that controlling your chakra becomes second nature to achieve this goal you must be ready to put your life on the line" Kakashi said darkly

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