Chapter one

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(Note; The picture above is of Faye Williams inside Sakura Haruno's body)

The sound of chirping birds aroused me from my slumber and I opened my eyes at the same time as I sat up. I quickly observed my surroundings, I was currently sitting up in a bed, the walls were pink as well as the pictures and the furniture was wooden and brown. I was obviously not in my room. 

The last thing that I remembered was dying in that car crash after wishing to be placed in the world of Naruto. 

I felt my hair and patted down my body. Well, that was unexpected.......I was Sakura. This pink hair as well as the lack of muscles and the large forehead. This body could only belong to Sakura.

Jumping out of bed I calmly strode over to the full-length mirror that was hanging on Sakura's closet door. This was unbelievable! my wish had come true!....sort of. I had come to the conclusion that I had been reincarnated into the body of sakura Haruno, the number 1 fangirl of Sasuke Uchiha. Judging from the body structure, height, and clothing Sakura or I was wearing I could conceive that she was 12 years old. I predicted that today is going to take place in the first episode of Naruto. So I had been reincarnated into a 12-year-old fangirl, well that would be a fun part to play.

I walked over to the door of my room and stood there with a peaceful expression on my face breathing in deeply then exhaling with the same amount of force. My green eyes snapped open and I let out a shy but excited smile allowing my eyes to turn into pink hearts 

"Ahhh!!! Saaaasukeeee can I sit next to you?" I squealed out. Hmm, I thought to myself while keeping the cheerful smile on my face, this was so unlike me, oh well I had played these types of parts in movies before and knew my acting skills were top-notch. You wouldn't be able to tell the difference between Sakura and me. 

Bouncing out of the room I happily jumped down stairs and made my way to the kitchen table. 

"Ohayo Tou-san, Kaa-san " I smiled sweetly at my father and mother, It felt strange for me a grown woman to be greeting Sakura's parents as if they were my own. Of course, my parents had both been killed in a car accident when I was 18 (oh the know....they die in car crash I die in car crash....get it?) 

"Good morning Sakura! have a nice day at the academy, good luck!" they both yelled after my retreating back. 

*****Time-skip (brought to you by Sakura's huge forehead)********

Iruka-Sensei had his arms folded and a frown on his face as he said 

"I'm at the end of my rope, Naruto. You failed the graduation test last time, and the time before that. Tomorrow you've got another chance, and you're messing up again!" Naruto hmphs and looks away causing Iruka-Sensei to grow angry. Naruto was currently sitting tied up on the floor of the classroom.

"Fine! Because you missed it, Naruto, everyone will review the Transformation Jutsu!" Iruka yells while pointing at the class. 

Internally I smile fondly at Naruto but on the outside, I keep my Sakura act up and groan along with the rest of the class. 

The class reluctantly line up with me at the front. I remember this part of the episode as well as the following episodes off by heart because of my photographic memory and I was so much of a hardcore fan that I had learned the hand signs to all of the possible ninjutsu so I was confident in my skills even though in my world chakra doesn't exist. I calmly poke around inside of me and feel that my chakra reserves are unbelievably massive. I quickly assess the situation and come to terms that I must have received some cheat-like ability along the process of my reincarnation, I quickly will my real chakra level to be hidden and swiftly imagine that people would only feel or see my chakra as average instead of being on the same level of Kurama. I don't know quite how I managed to conceal it but I felt that it worked so I smoothly went with it.  

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