Chapter six

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(Note; Image above is of Kakashi)

"Alright, why don't you introduce yourselves, one at a time" he said sitting lazily on the fence that surrounds the roof where we were sitting at the moment. Naruto is on the step above Sasuke and I. 

Kakashi's voice is deep and beautiful oh how I just want to lick-oops. I subtly wipe at the corners of my pink lips to make sure that there was no drool.

"Introduce ourselves? well, what are we supposed to say?" I asked dumbly. Using a whiney high pitched tone of voice sure was frustrating. 

Kakashi makes a whatever motion with his hands.

"Things you like, things you hate, dreams for the future, hobbies, things like that" All of this was spoken with a monotone bored sounding voice. He crossed his muscular, beautiful, lickable arms-ehem-and awaits our responses

"Why don't you tell us stuff first I mean before we talk tell us about you so we can see how it's supposed to work" says Naruto. 

"Me?" Asks Kakashi pointing to himself, he pretends not to be smart but I know of his true intelligence. That sly perverted fox. He looked at us with a bored expression and said;

"I'm Kakashi Hatake....things I like and things I I don't feel like telling you dreams for the future....never really thought about for my hobbies.....I have lots of hobbies"

"That was totally useless all he really told us is his name" I whisper to the others with an annoyed expression on my face. Internally I was laughing over his introduction. This man was great. 

Naruto made a grunt of agreement and Sasuke stayed impassive but I could see the hint of frustration in his onyx eyes that he was trying to conceal. 

"Okay your turn, you on the right, you first" Kakashi said his beautiful face hidden by his dark mask. Naruto grins then adjusts his forehead protector. 

"Believe it I'm Naruto Uzumaki I like Instant Ramen in a cup and I really like the Ramen Iruka-sensei got me at the Ichiraku noodle shop but I hate the three minutes you have to wait after you pour the ramen in the ramen cup, my hobby is eating different kinds of ramen and comparing them and my future dream is to be the greatest Hokage then the whole village will stop disrespecting me and start treating me like I'm somebody, somebody important" Naruto says with his usual grin on his face, I keep Sakura's act on but a little compassion sweeps through my eyes. 

When Naruto says his dream and the reason why it's his dream Kakashi's eyes widen slightly before going back to normal. 

"Alright next," he says looking pointedly at me

I give a closed eye smile and blushed slightly. I had decided to change my introduction a little because I didn't want to be known as too much of a useless fangirl 

"I'm Sakura Haruno," I say cheerfully

"What I like uh....I mean the person I like is..." I giggle slightly while glancing lovingly at Sasuke who completely ignores me.

"Ah my hobby is....ah...." another giggle and glance

"My dream for the future is..." I squeal loudly

"And what do you hate..." Kakashi says I could hear a touch of exasperation in his tone.

"I absolutely despise people who stab their friends in the back and I hate war...hmm I also don't like people who don't know the difference between a kunai and the scroll containing it" I said that all with the same smile and blush on my face but in a serious and calm voice. 

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