Chapter eight

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(Note; The image above is of Zabuza Momochi and Haku)

The feeling of people moving around inside the village flows through me, I'm using the vibrations to try and paint a picture from what I was feeling just like how I do with the sounds I hear. I can almost see Ino inside the flower shop, judging from the vibrations I can confidently say that she is arranging flowers, she's wearing her usual purple outfit minus the ninja pouch but she does have one kunai hidden inside her shoe. I can't see it as well as I can when I'm focusing on sounds but it will soon develop into a dangerous skill (dangerous for others not for me and when say others I mean enemies). 

The sky is blue and white clouds float leisurely across it. I open my eyes and tune back into what my teammates are doing at this moment. 

We're on our way to Tazuna's country and are just passing through Konoha's gates. I'm carrying a small black bag that contains all of my provisions for the trip. Unlike the old Sakura, I'm carrying only two other sets of clothes, I also have some spare kunai and shuriken as well as a lot of food and medical suplies. On my person, I am carrying about 12 hidden kunai, 12 hidden shurikens, my steel (bo) staff, my wooden bo staff, 5 toothpick staffs, 2 Miao Dao broadswords, 3 plain silver katanas, 10 tai chi dao broadswords, 2 matching wushu straight swords, 1 Wushu Kwan Dao, 1 monk staff, 1 monk spade, 3 long handle axes, 1 wolf teeth club, 1 Long-Tasseled Sword, 1 Two-Handed Sword, 2 Nine Section Whips, 1 Three Section Staff, 1 Great Sword, 2 Pu Swords, 2 steel tonfa, 3 maces, 1 kama and 15 Emei Daggers. All of those weapons I could wield perfectly. Those weapons generally can't be found in Naruto so I wrote down the exact blueprints on how to make them and gave them to a special blacksmith that I found in town, he replicated them perfectly and I made him promise never to speak of what he made to anyone, ever. I actually threatened him but whatever. He was crying and begging me to trust him by the time I was finished. 

On each and every one of those weapons, I placed a specially designed seal that makes whatever it is on (as long as it is not a person) unbreakable. I spent a whole of five hours last training session creating it. Those weapons were inside of the tattoo storage seals that were placed on various locations all over my body, the good thing about these seals is that I used a special ingredient in the ink that turns it invisible. If they weren't invisible everyone would be able to see them because the tattoo seals wind up my legs and are also on my arms.

The only weapon that is not present that I can use is Senbon needles. The reason why they are not present is because Haku uses them and I decided not to use the same weapon as him.  

In the inside of Sakura's clothes that I was wearing was one tiny seal, if I were to pump a small amount of my chakra into it then my real pair of clothes would appear in its place. I have two sets of clothing, they both have identical seals on them. One is Sakura's usual clothing and another is my clothing that I made myself from a mixture of priceless materials one of my closes found and regular materials I bought from a shop in Konoha. 

"Yeeeah!! all right!" Naruto yelled facing the village withy his fists thrust triumphantly in the air. 

"What are you getting so excited about Naruto?" I asked but instead of using Sakura's snarky tone I used a much nicer tone that made it sound like I actually wanted to hear the answer to my question, which I did even though I already knew it. 

"This is the first time I ever left the village, I'm a traveler now, believe it!" he said while trying to look in every direction at once. His soft bright yellow hair rustled in the wind and his bright blue eyes sparkled in the sun. 

"Heyy am I supposed to trust my life to this runt, he's a joke!" Tazuna grumbles out pointing an accusing finger at Naruto who was still laughing giddily while spinning around in circles.

The new Sakura (Naruto fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora