Chapter One

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I pulled my car into the space as it clunked when I turned the engine off. "Eurgh piece of crap" I said as I rolled my eyes and climbed out. I seriously needed to get a new car, but you cant afford much when you're a teacher these days. I slammed the door shut as a piece of rust fell off it, my boots clicked on the hard flooring as I walked into my classroom. I sat at my desk and propped my feet on the desk eating an apple, I went through the stack of papers piled on my desk as I marked them. Some of these kids are absolute geniuses, I pulled out Tommy Joe Ratliff's paper and shook my head.

He had got every single question wrong, I was sure he listened in class but it didn't seem as though anything went in. Reaching into his file I pulled out his tests from the whole month, every one was wrong how could he be failing every single class?  I heard shouting from outside the class as I stood up and walked into the corridor, there was a crowd of people by the lockers. They were yelling abuse at some kid, I could make out the work faggot and gay boy.

I saw a head of dark hair as I walked over to them, "Joseph brown how dare you use those words against someone" I said as he gasped and gulped. "Sorry sir I Erm was" he stuttered, "Get to class now before I give you all detention" I said as they practically ran up the corridor. I saw a head of blonde hair pinned against the lockers terrified, he was clutching a book and shaking. "Are you ok Tommy?" I questioned as he nodded, "Right ok then well you better get to class" I said as he nodded.

I headed back to my class and sat down, I threw my apple core in the bin as the bell rang. My students all trailed in and chatted, "Quiet down class" I said as they all went silent. "Right, today we are learning about portrait painting. I want you all to get a picture taken and draw it" I said as they all nodded. "Sir what about Tommy, he will break the camera" Joseph said as some of he class sniggered.

"Enough of that Joseph, unless you want another's week detention to add to what you already have?" I said as he shut right up. "As I was saying before I was interrupted I want you all to form an orderly line so I can take a picture of you all" I said as they all lined up. I noticed Tommy was shoved to the back as everyone else all pushed in front. I rolled my eyes and took the pictures of them all, as I printed them and handed them back a piece of paper was thrown across the class.

I caught it in one hand and threw it in the bin, jeez these kids were so unruly. They sat and drew themselves for the remainder of the lesson, I watched them closely and caught bit of their conversations. They seemed to be talking about someone, with references to their sexuality. This didn't surprise me as the school was very homophobic, my eyes caught Tommy sitting at his desk. His hair had fallen over one eye and the page was blank, this boy intrigued me.

He was always so quiet in class, yet he regularly found himself at the receiving end of cruel jokes and pranks. He seemed to lack total confidence and self esteem and always seemed withdrawn from everyone in class. I got up from my desk and walked over to him, he looked up through his fringe as I knelt down next to him. "Are you ok? You haven't started your drawing" I said. "Im fine, I cant draw for toffee" he said his voice almost inaudible.

"You don't need to be Picasso, just try your best" I said as a piece of wet paper landed in his hair. I pulled it out and looked up, "right who threw it?" I said. I glanced around the room and saw Joseph hiding a straw under the desk. "Joseph brown well done you've just got yourself another detention. That includes your partner in crime aswell" I said as he opened his mouth to speak and thought better of it.

The bell rang as the class filed out, I sat down at my desk and pulled out my laptop. I typed Tommys name into the search bar as all his grades came up, I glanced at them and noticed that his grades were good as of a few months ago. I printed it out and put the laptop back in the drawer. I locked the room and made my way to the principals office.

"Morning Adam, what brings you here?" she asked. "Morning Julie, its about one of my students a Tommy Joe Ratliff?" I answered. "Oh right that quiet boy with blonde hair right? What's he done is he bullying the other students?" she questioned. "No quite the opposite, I think he's the one being bullied and its affecting his grades look" I said spreading the papers across the desk.

"So his grades have dropped in the past couple of months, what do you suggest?" she said. "Maybe asking about whether he is being bullied and some extra tutoring" I suggested, "Yes that's a good idea, who will tutor him though?" she questioned. "Well I don't mind doing it, I teach him often anyway" I said, "Ok then keep him behind in his next class with you and have a word ok" she said. "Right ok then well I gotta get to my next class" I said standing up, she smiled as I shut the door and headed back to the classroom.

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