Chapter Three

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Tommy's POV...

I straightened my hair and drew a line of black around my eyes, pulling on my boots I contemplated what abuse I was going to get today. I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder, "bye mom" I shouted as I shut the door behind me. It only took me ten minutes to get there, I stopped outside the gate and fought my usual battle as to whether to just turn round and go home or go in.

I stepped into the school yard and headed inside, "Bottoms against the wall people here comes the gay boy" I knew that voice all to well. That was Joseph, he was the leader of the gang that made my life a living hell. They know Im gay, they found my journal with it written in and they wont let me forget it. I used to be a borderline A student but now im failing every single class, the only decent thing about this hell hole is my tutor Mr lambert. He's pretty hot actually but I don't make myself known anymore, I just blend into the class because it easier.

This whole being called names was just part of everyday life, they all surrounded me and started calling me a faggot and gay boy. I tried to block it out but I couldn't, suddenly they all vanished as I looked up and saw Mr Lambert knelt down next to me. He asked if I was ok I could do nothing but nod in reply as he ushered me off to class.  We had to get our picture taken, cue the snotty remark. "What about Tommy he will break the camera" and there it was, joseph as usual I felt my cheeks flame with sheer embarrassment.

They soon shut up as I stared at the blank piece of paper in front of me, I am honestly surprised im still alive right now. My teacher came over and looked up at me, "are you sure you're ok? You haven't started your drawing" he said. "Im fine, I cant draw for toffee" I answered. "You don't have to be Picasso just try your best" he said as I felt something wet hit me in the back of my head, I felt him pull it out and ask who threw it. Of course no one owned up but we both knew who it was, he got detention as the bell rang for the end of class and I rushed out.

I had him next lesson aswell, he was so hot I almost couldn't resist the urge to just kiss him. Turns out we are in the library for our lesson, I tend to just dawdle behind everyone. We had to pick our role model and do a presentation about them, I honestly could not be asked. I heard the incredibly annoying voice of Lilly, she totally fancied our teacher and she made it so obvious. Eventually the bell rang as I was told to wait by my teacher, Oh brilliant now I was in trouble.

"I didn't do anything" I said sitting down, "you're not in trouble, I've seen your latest grades and compared them with your others. It seems that in the last few months your grades have slipped and you are failing every class. Care to explain?" he asked. "I have stuff to deal with, im not very good in class" I said. "You need to speak to us, we can help you with it" he told me as my eyes snapped up. "With what?" I questioned, "Look we've noticed how some of the other kids are with you, if you're being bullied ten we can help" he replied.

"So what If I am being bullied, I deserve it there's nothing you or anyone can do to stop it, I cant help how I am. I deserve everything I get because that's what happens to people that are different" I felt tears threatening as I stood up and ran out of the library. I cant handle this, knowing im getting bullied is hard enough without telling people. I ran into the locker room and sat down on the bench, I angrily rubbed the tears from my face and looked up. In all truthfulness I honestly thought I deserved to be treated the way I was, they made me feel worthless and pathetic.

I headed to my locker to pick my books up when they all crowded around me. "Did you have a nice chat with sir you teachers pet? Did you grass us up?" Joseph said as I backed against my locker. "I didn't say anything, he was telling me my grades were bad" I whispered. "I don't believe you, go for it James" he said as I felt him hit my head. Blood trickled down from my head as I curled into a ball, I heard someone apologising to someone. I looked up through my fringe and saw Mr lambert standing above me, "Principals office now!" he yelled as he ran his hand under his nose.

James and Joseph were escorted away by another teacher, "everyone get to class right now or I wont hesitate to expel you all!" he shouted as they all ran. I felt myself being pulled up as I went dizzy and almost fell over, I looked up and saw his nose covered in blood. One of them must have punched him instead of me, "come on to the nurses office with you Tommy" he said steering me up the corridor.

The nurse came running over as I was pushed towards her, "what happened?" she asked. "Student fight" he answered as I was sat down as she put some antiseptic stuff in a bowl. "This might sting a little" she said tipping my head up, sting a little bit that was an understatement. I gritted my teeth and winced to stop myself swearing as she ran it over the cut, she stuck some stuff over it and gave me some aspirin.

I watched as she cleaned his nose, he looked like he was about to swear too as I smiled a bit. He stood up and looked at me "right Mr Ratliff lets get you to class" he said as I stood up, my head actually killed and everything was spinning. He led me to class and told me he wants to help get my grades back up, he said he will tutor me. That means spending extra time with him, great. He led me into class and spoke to my teacher, I leant on my desk and tried to ignore the dizziness that was getting increasingly worse...

Teachers Pet #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now