Chapter Five

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Tommys POV...

I swear I have concussion or something, but I need to go to school because I have tutoring today. I walked into school as straight as I could, everything was spinning. I felt really sick as I headed into the toilets, Once I was done I washed my hands and headed to class. Thank god it went quickly, I still got the same abuse I always did but I ignored them I felt to ill to argue. As lunch rolled around I ate a little bit, I pushed my plate away as the bell rang for last lesson. Great time for tutoring, I threw my rubbish away and almost collapsed on the floor.

I grabbed the handrail and leant against it while I waited for the spinning to stop, I realised I was late but I didn't care. Eventually I got to class, he was sitting at the desk with his feet on the top. "Sorry Im late" I said sitting down, he said it was fine and handed me a worksheet to fill out. I knew the answers to these questions as I filled them out, he marked them with a red pen and showed my the ones I did wrong.

He looked at me, his face looked pretty concerned. "Are you alright? You look quite pale" he said as I felt my cheeks, they were pretty hot. "Im fine" I said but I could tell he didn't believe it, he told me he was taking me to the nurse as I stood up my legs seemed to just turn to jelly underneath me. He caught me before I hit the floor, his arms were strong as he stood me up. I looked down at my hands and noticed they were shaking, "everything is spinning" I said as he looked at me.

" We better get you to the nurse as soon as possible" he said leading me up the corridor, that's same sick feeling came over me again as I stopped. He gave me a what's wrong look as I explained that I felt sick. He nodded and let me towards the toilets, my stomach flipped as a horrible taste rose up my throat. I tried to swallow but I couldn't, I ended up throwing up in the middle of the corridor and all over him. How embarrassing I thought as I looked up at him and apologised. He was literally dripping as he smiled and said it was an occupational hazard, the janitor came over as he led me up the corridor handing me a tissue.

Once he was in the toilets I apologised again, I felt sick again as I don't think I had anything left to throw up. Turns out I was wrong, my head was hurting as I shivered and tears streamed down my face. I felt like total crap, I flushed the chain and wiped my eyes with the sleeve of my shirt. I was led into the nurses office as she cleaned up my cut because It was bleeding and handed me some tablets. She told me to lie down while she called my parents, I was so tired as I fell asleep.

I heard voices I recognised, they were my mom and dad. I thought I was dreaming still as I felt myself being shaken gently, I opened my eyes and met blue ones. "Your parents are here to pick you up" he said quietly, my dad scooped my up in his arms. Normally I would have kicked and struggled but I was too tired to even bother as my head fell against his chest. I was walked through the school and laid in the back of the car, once I was home I was carried to my bedroom and laid on it.

I pulled my shoes off and lent back on the pillow, "Go to sleep Tommy, I've left the bucket there in case you're sick again" my mom said as I nodded. She kissed my hair and pulled my duvet up, I was left in silence as I curled into a ball and fell asleep.

Back to Adam......

I was sitting at home on the sofa watching a film, I looked back on the day as I marked some tests. "Hey Adam good day?" my roommate Ashley said, "hm yeah it was ok" I said absent mindedly. "Something's on your mind" she said matter of factly, "Maybe" I said. "What's happened at school today?" she questioned, "One of my students was really ill today, he got concussion from a student fight. He ended up throwing up in the corridor and over me. He looked really, really ill. I don't know I felt somewhat connected to him like I had to protect him" I said.

"Right and you feel differently about him than your other students?" she asked. "Well kind of, I even thought he was cute. I know its wrong but" I said. "You like him, as In like him like him" she said as I nodded. "Nothing can come of it Adam you know that right, you're his teacher you cant have a relationship with him" she told me. "I know, I need to try and stop feeling like that about him" I said.

"You know its true Adam, now here have a drink and chill out" she said handing me a glass of wine. "Thanks" I said taking it from her as she looked through the papers I was marking. "Some of these kids are pretty smart" she said pointing a few out, "this one isn't very studious" she said holding up Tommys paper. "Believe it or not he's actually clever, he's just had a few things going on" I said. "Wait is this the one you were just telling me about?" she questioned. "Yeah" I answered looking down at the papers, Ashley gave me a funny look as I ignored her.

She got bored eventually and turned the TV over, I drifted off into my own little world as I marked the papers..

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