Chapter Four

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I walked down the corridor and past the toilets, I could hear coughing as I put up a sign for some boring meeting of some sort. Nothing what so ever to do with me mind, it was for some after school club. I watched as whoever it was came out, I think it was Tommy then I remembered I had tutoring with him tonight. I had a class for maths now, as I headed into the classroom everyone was sitting quietly. "Well you certainly look like my class but you don't sound like it" I said as they all smiled. "Right anyway we have a test today, I hope you've all been revising" I said handing each of them a paper.

I pulled the joke whoopee cushion from the chair and put it on the floor as everyone sighed. "Right you have an hour" I said as they all started to answer the questions. I marked some tests while they were all busy, soon they were all done as they put down their pencils and the bell rang for the end of class. The rest of the day went by pretty quickly as my free lesson started, I sat at my desk and read my book. Tommy was 10 minutes late, I figured I should wait for another 5 minutes just in case.

He turned up at like quarter past, "sorry im late" he said as I peered over my book. His cheeks were all blotchy and his face was pretty pale, "that's fine" I said as I handed him a worksheet. I sat on the desk opposite him and questioned him as to what he needed to do, he finished it and only a few were wrong. "Ok well shall I show you where you went wrong?" I asked as he nodded, "Right here you got it round the wrong way, you've divided it instead of multiplied it hence why you got that answer" I said circling it and writing it out for him.

He seemed to acknowledge where he was going wrong, I noticed that he still seemed pretty pale but his cheeks were bright red. I looked at him, "are you alright you look very pale" I asked. "Im fine" he said, I didn't believe it. "Come on we need to get you to the nurse" I said as he stood up and nearly collapsed onto the floor. "Oh jeez" I said catching him and taking his arm. He was literally shaking, "sir everything is spinning" he whispered as I stopped. "Then we need to get you to the nurse as soon as" I said leading him up the corridor.

He stopped as I looked at him, "I feel sick" he said as he turned almost white. "Well we better get you to the toilets then" I said, we didn't get very far though. He ended up throwing up in the middle of the corridor, it literally went everywhere including all over me. I stood dripping with vomit as he apologised, "its fine, occupational hazard" I said calling the janitor over" You better get him to the nurse" he said as I apologised for Tommy and pulled a tissue from my pocket and handed it to him.

"Right clean you up and then straight to the nurses office" I said stepping over the puddle of sick and leading him to the toilets. He washed his hands and face as I rubbed down my clothes and shoes. "Sir im really sorry" he said, I noticed he was shivering as I looked up at him. "Its fine Tommy you couldn't help it and besides I've been covered in enough children's sick in my lifetime" I said. He smiled weakly, "you're still pretty pale do you need to throw up again?" I asked.

I felt bad for the kid honestly I did, Im guessing it was something to do with the whack on the head he got yesterday. I leant on the sink as he was sick again, at least it wasn't on the floor and me I guess. Once he was done he was shaking, as white a sheet and had tears streaming down his face. He looked a total mess, the cut on his head was bleeding slightly as he wiped his eyes on the sleeve of his shirt.

Half and hour later...

I looked over at Tommy sleeping on the bed, he was curled into a ball and shivering. "Poor kid" I said as Nancy sipped her coffee. "Yeah nothing like concussion, I guess its an everyday thing with you though you know the whole getting thrown up over" she said wrinkling her nose. "Actually no, its only the second time I've been in the firing line of some kids sick" I said laughing quietly. "His parents should be here soon, it must have been some knock to cause him to get concussed. The dizziness and sickness is just a side affect of it" she said.

I somehow felt connected to this boy, I don't know how and in what way but I wanted to protect him. He looked so vulnerable just laying on the bed , his hair was wet with beads of sweat and his cheeks were flushed. He kind of looked cute, wait what where did that come from? He's my student for goodness sake, that would just be wrong. I glanced at him as a lady with blonde hair came rushing in, she was dressed in a sharp suit and heels.

She was followed by a man in jeans and a t-shirt with dark hair and brown eyes, me and Nancy looked up and smiled at them. "Hello yes we are here to pick up our son Tommy?" the lady asked in a posh voice. "Ah yes you must be Mr and Mrs Ratliff, this is Nancy the school nurse and Im Adam Tommys form tutor" I said shaking their hands. "Nice to meet you both and thank you for looking after him for us" the man said.

"Oh its fine, he's actually asleep at the moment and cant really stand up" Nancy said. I gently shook Tommy as he sleepily opened his eyes, "your parents are here to pick you up" I said. His dad came over and scooped him up into his arms while his mom picked up his bag, Tommy fell against his dads chest as his hair fell over his eyes. "Well I hope he feels better soon" I said as they smiled, "Yes he will be going straight to bed with paracetamol and a bucket" his mom said as Tommy groaned in his dads arms. "Thanks again for looking after him" his dad sais as we waved at them as they headed up the empty corridor...

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