Chapter Ten

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Tommys POV

"GAYBOY, FAGGOT, TEACHERS PET!" the voices went round and round in my head. The lockers went past in a blur as I ran from the big group of people chasing me, they had rounder's bats and books and other stuff in their hands. I ran as fast as I could but they kept getting nearer and nearer as I ran out of the school doors and onto the field. The field disappeared and became a cliff with sharp jagged rocks sticking out of the sea.

The group got nearer and nearer and Adam was standing watching them with his arms crossed and a smirk. I backed up until I was at the end of the cliff as I lost my footing and slipped off the edge. I grabbed the edge with my fingertips as the waves below me got wilder and wilder by the minute. I looked down and gulped trying to pull myself up, someone grabbed my hands as I looked up and saw Adam.

"Adam please" I begged as he smiled, "Im not going to help you I don't need you you're just some stupid little gay kid in my class I couldn't give 2 hoots about you" he said as he prised my fingers from the edge one by one. Within seconds I was hanging on with 4 fingers as he carried on prising them off. My fingers couldn't hold my weight as I fell off the cliff and tumbled towards the waves screaming.

"Tommy baby wake up" a voice said shaking me gently as I sat bolt upright. My hair and face was drenched with sweat and my hands were shaking, tears streamed down my cheeks as I gasped for air. I saw my mum sitting on the edge of my bed looking concerned, "tommy its ok you were screaming did you have another bad dream?" she asked.

I nodded my head in reply because I couldn't speak, "Its alright it was just a dream" she said wiping my head with a cold flannel. "Here you go" my dad said handing me a glass of water and sitting on my bed. As a wave of tiredness washed over me I placed the glass on the table and heard the muffled conversation between my parents.

 "Terry Im worried about him this is the third time in one night he's woken up screaming. He not eating and he's gone back to hurting himself again" my mum said her voice a whisper. "I know we will have to go into the school and get him to see someone" my dad replied. "Come on Hun he's asleep lets leave him be" my mum answered as my duvet was pulled up and I was kissed by them both. I heard my bedroom door shut as they headed back to their room. Wow they are super worried, Im going to have to try and eat more even though the thought makes my stomach turn.

The next morning...

"Tommy please eat" my mum said as I pushed my breakfast round the plate. I scooped a spoonful up and put it to my lips, as I ate it my stomach flipped as I struggled to swallow it. I only managed a couple of spoonful's before I almost threw up. My mum was in her room getting ready as I threw my breakfast in the bin and headed upstairs to the bathroom. I stepped onto the scales and looked down, the needle stopped on 8 stone which was a good 4 stone under my ideal weight.

I ended up being sick anyway, food didn't seem to agree with me nowadays. There was sharp knock at the door, "Tommy come on" My mum said as I flushed the chain and stood up. "At last" my mum said as I smiled and headed to my room. "Tommy did you find your homework" my mum said as the room span and I fell to the floor. The distorted voice of my mum echoed in my head as she shook me gently and pulled her mobile out of her jeans. My mums voice faded to silence as a fog surrounded and eloped me.

Later that day...

The overwhelming smell of disinfectant was stuck in my throat and clogging my nose up. I opened my eyes and was instantly blinded by the intense white of everything. The blurred outlines became my mum, dad and a nurse. I sat up and tried to talk but found out I had some mask over my face, I pulled it off  as all eyes looked at me. "Hello Tommy do you know where you are?" a nurse said.

"I erm think so" I said as she shone a light in my eyes and adjusted some machine I was connected to. "Ok can you tell me your full name and your birthday please" she asked. " Thomas Joseph Ratliff and October 28th" I replied as she hmmed. "Ok slight memory loss, the test results confirmed he has anorexia and depression. He has slight concussion from hitting his head on the bannister as he collapsed but we will prescribe tablets and keep him in  for observation" the nurse told my parents.

"Oh right ok then and these tablets they will make him better?" my dad asked. "Yes he will also need to be monitored all day to make sure he eats little and often. There are tablets for the sickness as his body adjusts to having food again" she said. "I assume he will need counselling?" my mum asked, "Counselling is preferred and would probably do him good" the nurse said.

The nurse left the room as my parents seemed shocked, "Oh Tommy what happened to make you get this bad? Depression and anorexia whatever next" my mum said. "Leave him be Lucy let him sleep" my dad replied. Machines bleeped continuously as I tried to fight the need to sleep, this was probably the amount of drugs and stuff I was on. My head hit the pillow as I fell into a deep and drug induced sleep..



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