Chapter Thirteen

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Tommys POV

I've been kept a prisoner inside for over a week now, mum has grounded me and given me a firm talking to about making out with an older guy let alone my teacher. She doesn't understand how much I need to be with him.  My depression has kicked back in now, it's getting worse by the hour.

I'm starting to really worry about my state of mind. I'm currently sitting on my bed tracing the new array of cuts up my arms. Turns out sharp pencils have the same effect as other sharp objects. I can't even get out of bed now, it's like my body and mind have got up and gone I can't be bothered to move.

All I seem to do is cry now, everything I eat or attempt to eat I end up just puking it back up again. I seem to have fallen into the habit of making myself sick after I eat. I know it's damaging my body and it isn't healthy but I don't care anymore. Without Adam I have nothing to live for now, I have no friends and my family are to worried to do anything.

My parents are still watching me like crazy but I've become very good at hiding my shrinking frame from them. Lots of baggy tops and tracksuit bottoms are my secret. I don't start my new school for a few more weeks so my days and filled with endless floods of tears, sickness and blood.

Mum and dad are more worried than ever, they freak out if they hear me being sick. I get the whole lecture on how it isn't good for my body, then the sympathy because I'm ill. They said I need counselling but I put on a good act around them so they drop it.

"Tommy come on dinner is ready" my mum's shrill voice broke through my thoughts. I dragged myself off my bed and wandered into the kitchen. The whole table was filled with loads of food. "What's with the truckload of food?" I questioned sitting down at the table.

"Its a sorry, I know I may have overreacted about you and Adam. It's just weird that you like someone older than you. But if you want to be with him then so be it but I'm not happy about it" my mum said. "Oh right ok" I answered, "we have all your favourites" my dad told me.

Aromas from the food met my nose as I breathed in making me feel nauseous as I gagged and swallowed the lump in my throat. "We thought seeing as though you are doing so well with dealing with your eating disorder that you deserved a treat" my mum told me.

"Gee thanks but I'm not really hungry" I answered. "Well at least try a little" my dad said as I picked up the fork and put it to my mouth. I put it in my mouth and chewed as my stomach lurched, I fought the sickness building up inside me and managed a good 5 mouthfuls.

I pushed the plate away as My parents watched, "I'm done" I said standing up. "Are you sure?" dad answered as I nodded and went to walk away. "Are you staying in your room all day?" mum commented. "Yes I'm busy" I said as they stood in front of me and the stairs.

"Please stay down here for a bit" dad asked as my stomach lurched again and a nasty taste rose up my throat. " Dad I have to go please move" I begged as he stepped aside but it was too late. The sicky feeling filled my body as I threw up spectacularly over myself, my dad And the kitchen floor.

My mum grabbed much shoulders and steered me to the sink, tears streamed down my face and I suddenly felt really hot. My hands were freezing as beads of sweat formed on my head as I was sick over and over again.

Later that night....

I was curled up in a tight ball on my bed, my stomach and throat ached from being so ill. Tears still ran down my cheeks as one by one they dripped onto my pillow. I was burning hot but freezing cold at the same time. I just want it all to go away, I want the pain and hurt over with.

I looked down at the smear of blood coating my arm as I realised what I was doing to myself. I buried my head in my pillow and sobbed as quietly as I could into it. My phone buzzed as I sniffed and pulled it from my drawer, "Hello?" I whispered. "Hey Tommy its Adam, are you ok your voice sounds funny" he said. "Im fine and funny in what way?" I questioned, "Kind of husky like you've been crying" he answered.

"I haven't im getting a cold that's all what did you want?" I asked clearing my throat. "I have to see you, I need you Tommy more than you could ever know is there any way I can see you?" he asked. "I will try and get out but im on code red lockdown" I said, "ok well I can meet you up the road if you want" he replied. "Ok well i'll try" I said putting the phone down. I pulled on my big jumper and sneaked downstairs, my parents were sitting in the front room watching TV.

As I opened the front door as someone cleared their throat behind me, I span round and saw my mum. "Where are you going? Tommy you know you should be in bed after the amount of sick you produced earlier" she said. "I need to get some air i'll only be on the front step" I explained, "Oh right ok well 5 minutes then bed Mr" she said ruffling my hair. "Yeah mum sure" I answered as she walked back into the front room and I headed out the front door.

I made my way up the front path as I knocked over one of the massive flowerpots, my dad came out the front door as I ran up the path. "Tommy where do you think you're going?" he yelled, "Out" I said running up the road. He chased me up the path as I stopped at the kerb, "you're meeting him aren't you? You know your mum said she doesn't want you to see him" my dad said as I backed toward the road slipping off the kerb and falling onto my butt.

I stood up and brushed the dirt from my trousers, "Tommy come back please" my dad yelled with urgency. "No you cant sop me seeing him" I said focusing my attention on my dad, "Tommy you need to move just come back this way" my dad said stepping closer to me as I backed away. I saw lights as I spun round, the screech of tyres, pain radiating through my body, a thud and darkness...

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