Chapter Twelve

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Tommy 's POV

I wrote him a letter, a letter and sent it to the school. It felt weird writing all my love Tommy to my form tutor the other night, but it's true he has my heart and always will. I'm at school now collecting my stuff from my locker, I'm moving schools because my parents don't think it's safe for me to stay here.

My parents are outside in the car waiting, it took a heck of a lot of persuasion from me. They wanted to come in the school with me, to be fair I'm glad to have a bit of alone time. They have been watching me like a hawk 24 hours a day. They keep checking I'm eating and that I'm not making myself sick after everything I eat.

I still can't eat a lot without feeling sick, it kind of sucks but I'm getting better at stopping myself from throwing up after every few mouthfuls. When I came out of the hospital I couldn't eat like one mouthful without being Ill, I spent weeks in bed to weak to get up through the lack of food. It has got to be the worse thing ever, where I was so skinny I couldn't stump my toe without cracking something.

My parents even removed every single sharp object from the house even the cutlery. They removed all ties and string like things I could hang myself with. It's pretty intense, checking every day for new scars like I was some kind of crazy person. I told mum they were freaking about nothing and that I could hardly lift my own arm let alone get up and cut myself. She's been online and searched it all but I'm nowhere near that bad I don't think but I totally get she's worried.

I guess I better get my stuff before she comes in after me. I had just shut my locker when I heard a sound that made my heart lurch. It sounded like someone crying and it was coming from the direction of my old form room. I followed the sound as my hunch was proven right. I gently pushed open the door as the sight before me made my heart flip.

Adam was laying face down on the desk with his head buried in his arms. His shoulders shook violently with every sob that escaped his lips, wow something really bad must have happened. He always kept his emotions to himself it was shocking to see him crumbling like this. Then I spotted my letter next to him, God no he's read it and now he's in tears I didn't know it would have this affect on him.

I walked over to the soggy mess that was Adam as my hand hovered over his shoulder. He didn't even seem to notice my presence as I placed my hand on his shoulder and gently called his name. He jumped a little and looked up at me through his fringe and his now spiked eyelashes.

His Crystal blue eyes were misty and full of tears, his eyelashes spiked from tears, his eyes were red and his cheeks were literally soaked. He flushed pink with the embarrassment of someone seeing him falling apart as I ran my finger over his cheek to remove a stray tear, he shuddered at my touch as his breath hitched in his throat as though he was trying desperately not to cry again.

"Hi" I whispered as he looked up at me with glassy eyes. "Hi" he managed to stutter out, "Are you ok?" I questioned running my sleeve under his eyes to dry the remaining tears. He nodded and bit down on his lip. "Please don't lie Adam people that are ok don't cry like you just were, I see you read my letter if I had known it would have this effect on you I wouldn't have sent it" I said.

"Yes I read it I had no idea how much I had hurt you. These conditions you have I can't help but think they are down to the way I brushed you off" he said his eyes glazing over. He seemed able to speak now as he mentioned things he had noticed. I shook my head "there's a perfectly good reason for all of those things. But although they might have a little to do with you they aren't entirely down to you. I should have been able to take control of my body, I should have been able to stop myself going off the rails like I have" I said as his eyes grew wider.

"What exactly happened Tommy, you haven't been in school for 3 months I've been so worried about you" he whispered. I sighed and sat on the desk directly in front of him. "I've been in hospital for 2 weeks and I have counselling every week" I said as Adams mouth nearly hit the floor. "The hospital? What happened?" he questioned as I braced myself to admit what was wrong with me.

"I collapsed at home and was rushed to the hospital. I've been diagnosed with depression and anorexia that's why I've not been at school" I started as the reality of what was wrong with me hit home shocking me to the core. "I've been put on a load of drugs and I had to stay in because I kept throwing up everything I ate and drunk, I had to be put on a drip" I finished.

"Tommy I had no idea" he said quietly, I shook my head "its fine only my family know but im moving schools now so theres no need for anyone here to know" I said. "So this is goodbye then" I told him as I headed out the door. "Tommy please don't go this cant be goodbye" he said sounding slightly confused as he grabbed my hand.

"Why not?" I said, "it cant be goodbye because I love you Tommy" he answered as his grip tightened slightly. My heart skipped a beat "you have no idea how much Ive wanted to hear you say that" I said locking eyes with him. "So am I alone in this or?" he questioned as he placed his hand on my cheek. "No because I love you too" I answered brushing my fingertips across his cheek. "Ok then well im going to kiss you now is that ok?" he said. "Go ahead" I breathed as his minty breath tickled my face as he leant towards me.

His lips met mine as he kissed me softly, his fingers tangled in my hair as I draped my arms over his shoulders. His kiss became more intense as the door of the classroom opened and someone gasped. Me and Adam sprung apart as I saw my mother stood in the doorway looking shocked. "Mum I" I started before she raised her hand cutting me off. She grabbed my hand and pulled me away from Adam, she turned round and slapped him across the face as the noise echoed and Adams hand flew to his crimson cheek.

"You pervert, come on Tommy we are going" she snapped as I shouted Adams name as my eyes filled with tears. Adam was crying as my mum dragged me into the car and sped home in silence, tears cascaded down my face as my heart felt as though it was shattering into tiny pieces...

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