Secret Wedding?

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Hermione's POV
"So what is this I hear
about modeling?" Draco asked smiling like Cheshire the cat.

"Well, you see. Fleur is quite well know for her wizard world wide famous lingerie and fragrances. She has created new pieces of lingerie for next season. However, as famous as her lingerie is, she still needs the models. Any women would be proud to wear her designs and she has a large variety of models to choose from but has asked us to model for her," explained Ginny excited at the idea of modeling.
"What about our baby?" Blaise asked Ginny worried about her reaction.
"Excuse me, Zabini. Are you implying that I am fat?" Funny asked in a ducky sweet calm voice.

"No, Ginny. You look gorgeous just the way you are. I was just asking if she wouldn't mind you being pregnant because you have to walk a lot and be on the runaway and especially when the months start passing," says Blaise choosing his words carefully.

"I am aware of that, Blaise Zabini. However, Fleur told me that now that she must conceive a child along with all of the models, she will have us all barefoot with henna on our bodies," said Ginny. I actually didn't pay a lot of attention to what Fleur and  Ginny discussed so I am not very informed. Thankfully, Ginny did pay attention.
Blaise looked ready to argue.
"If you two really want to do it. You have both of our support," says Draco quickly.

"Great answer, Malfoy," I say to him raising an eyebrow.
"I know, Malfoy-to-be," says Draco making me blush.
Ginny looks pleased and heads to the kitchen.

"Hermione! Do you have steak and vanilla ice cream?"
I cringe at the request.
Draco turns around and gags. Personally, I am feeling a little grossed out by it. Blaise looks at Draco who makes kissing faces.
I elbow his in the ribs.
"Keep it up and you won't get any until the last day we have before you have to get me pregnant," I say glaring at Draco.

"How about the honeymoon?" whined Draco.
"You heard me, Draco. Don't bother Ginny," I threaten. Blaise burst out laughing.
"You too, Blaise. After this kid we won't have a second unless you behave," says Ginny from the kitchen.
Blaise immediately shuts up.
"Wait so will there be paparazzi at your wedding?" Draco asked.

"Oh, yes. I asked Mcgonagall and she said since we are public figures we can not kick them out and they are welcome for the wedding at the church and at the reception," said Blaise distressed.

I groan at that. Rita Skeeter is going to ruin my wedding.
"When are you going dress shopping?" I asked Ginny.
"Ooh, me and Blaise have something planned out," said Ginny walking out of the kitchen with a jar of chocolate spread an two spoons.
"Yes, we shall marry on secret. Preferably next Saturday. On Sunday, we can go to the World Cup as Mr. and Mrs. Zabini!" Ginny exclaims.

"You can hold the wedding at the Malfoy Manor. Just all of us, our families, and Theo and Luna. Of coarse, the priest, too."

"That sound lovely Draco but are you sure?" Ginny asked.
"Of coarse, Zabini," teased Draco.
"Thank you, Granger!!!"
She ran to him and hugged him. He almost fell back! Draco went bright pink when he tried to stand up and the chocolate spread hit him on the nose and smeared on his face.
"Draco! Most of my spread fell on you face!" Ginny said.

"I'm ok, thanks for asking," said Draco holding a bloody nose. I rush to grab some tissues to wipe off the blood.
"Bloody hell! Are you okay?" Ginny asked when she saw his bloody nose.
"That's more like it," teased Draco chuckling. Ginny flared at him and hits him in the back of head.

"Good luck, Blaise. I'm putting the tombstone but you my friend are putting the knife on you neck," says Draco. I press the tissues to him nose and I check for a fracture.
"Your fine," I said holding the tissue against his nose.
"I try."
"You bloody idiot, I meant your nose," I teased him knowing he hates being called an idiot.

"I got it. Tomorrow us girls are going dress fitting. It will be me, Hermione, Luna, and Fleur. I want the twins and Draco along with Blaise in tuxedos. The bridesmaids will wear dark blue and since Hermione will be the Maid of Honor, she shall wear gold," pronounced Ginny.

"Why don't you two plan while I show Blaise the gym?" Draco asked.
"Wait, Draco. Blaise needs to agree with me."
"Darling, I will agree to anything as long as you love it," said Blaise.
She smiles and they leave the living room.
"Let's look at muggle places first," says Ginny.
I just buried my own grave.

Well, here we have it. Sorry, I haven't updated in while but I have so many things going on. On the bright side. This book will almost hit 1.2K reads!!! Thank you for all of your support and until next time which won't be as long. ❤️

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