The Weasley's Guests.

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Meanwhile At The Weasleys...
Nobody's POV
"Mum! Merlin brought a letter!" Ron Weasley exclaimed running into the kitchen where his mother was making breakfast.
"Ronald, lower your voice, it is only a letter," said Mrs. Weasley.
"No, mum. This letter is from Ginny," complained Ron.
"Well, let me see!" Mrs. Weasley nexclaimed snatching the letter from Ron.
"Accio, parchment, quill and ink," said Mrs. Weasley.
She quickly wrote.
Dear Mrs. Zabini,
I have received your invitation and i will write the names of us who will attend.
Arthur and Myself.
Bill, Fleur, and Victoire.
Ron and Lavender.
Harry and Parvati.
Percy and Penelope.
George and Padma.
Fred and Angelina.
Charlie and Julianne.
Teddy Lupin.
See you at the wedding.
~Molly Weasley~
"Merlin, to Ginny," said Mrs. Weasley.

~Back to Hermione and Ginny~

"Of coarse she would," grunted Ginny after reading the letter.
"What we have to make sure is to plan the best wedding ever," I said after reading the letter.
"In three days," said Ginny.
"Yes, in three days. For the food, I was thinking a having the guests choose between 'Branzino', which I had to do my research on, to find out it's just Colorado Striped Bass with cherry tomatoes and white wine with Cacciatore vegetables or Chicken Marsala. I looked into some muggle websites and this is what I found so I was thinking this and some Italian bread?" Ginny asked me.
"Ok lady. I agree with what you are planning but why don't you just serve them together. You can just serve the bass and the veggies in one plate with the bread and maybe even lasagna. Remember it's in the afternoon so don't make it heavy. Then after dinner you serve desert which can be coconut ice cream with swirls of dulce de leche and a mint leaf to finish it off. We could even sprinkle some bits of golden edible paper which look real enlightened to make the guests think they are eating gold. If you want I'll give this list to the house elves to know what to serve at the reception. Although I am going to give the elves a raise of 5 galleons for this occasion," I said writing everything down.
"Oh, yes! Thank you so much! Now cake, photographer and decorations!" Ginny exclaimed.
"I've got the cake," I said.
"Are you sure. You are already helping too much as it is an-" Ginny starts.
"Nope. I will give you a cake you and Blaise will adore. Now, I want you to go out pick up Luna and Fleur to help you with the decorations and the photographer while I talk to the house elves and start up the cake," I say.
"Yes, ma'am," says Ginny hugging me and kissing my cheek.
With that she Apparates to Luna and Fleur.
I look at the list of food.
Ginny and Blaise's List of Food:
Branzino/Cacciatore Vegetables/ Garlic Bread and Lasagna.
Coconut Ice Cream with swirls of dulce de leche and pieces of edible golden paper (mint leaf on top).
I want a red velvet type of cake but instead of "red" velvet. I want the cake to be champagne pink with a filling of cream cheese. The cake will be white in the outside since we won't have the place decorated until two days before the wedding. I want you guys to choose the decorations of the cake to match the venue and most importantly the bride. Please, I ask you too have to have all the food done while the ceremony is going on so the food is warm for the guests. The cake must be done the night before bachelorettes' party. Please make enough for 40 people.
Hermione Malfoy.
I quickly get one of the Malfoy owls and I give it it the letter to the owl.
"Thyme, Malfoy Residence," I say to the owl.
I enchant a few cleaning spell to have this place tidied up in no time.
I sit back only to remember I left the guys with Athena.
I head back to the kitchen to find everything neatly done. The pancakes were gone and replaced by a pile of clean dishes. Blaise and Draco sit back groaning.
"Sorry we ate all the pancakes. We washed the dishes and finished the fruit salad, though," said Blaise.
"It's ok. Ginny left with Luna and Fleur to buy decorations and a photographer," I said picking up Athena.
"Yeah, I'm going text her to tell her I'm hiring Jacob Tarnette," says Blaise. No way! In our world, Jacob Tarnette is basically Harry Styles!
"Why don't you make it a surprise?" I ask.
"Great idea, Hermione!" Blaise exclaimed.
I walk over to the couch and I pick a movie out of the large collection Draco has.
I play Beauty and The Beast as it is my favorite Disney movie film.
Draco lies behind me and pulls me to his lap.
We watch the movie until the end where Draco picks me off his lap and sets me aside he head over to our bedroom and closes the door.
I immediately go after him.
"Hey, Blaise. Can you take care of Athens?" I ask.
"Nah, nah. Get lost. Athens and I are heading to the pool. Wait, can you change her into her swimsuit so that I can just take her?" Blaise asked.
"Yeah, wait up," I say carrying her to the room.
I quickly take off her dress and fold it. I change her into a black and white striped one piece bikini with pink lace up bows on the side of her ribs.
I pull her curls into a tiny bun on top of her head.
"Thank you, mummy," says Athens.
"Welcome, honey. Your daddy and I will join you guys later," I promised her taking her outside to meet up with Blaise.
He was standing in a pair of pink trunks.
"Take care of my baby," I say to Blaise.
"Ay ay, Captain!" Blaise exclaims picking up Athens.
"Athens, let's go!"
I laugh watch them walk out of the living room before heading to Draco and I bedroom.
"Hey, love. Are you ok?" I asked Draco who was reading a book on the bed.
"Yes." Draco said emotionlessly.
"Are you sure, Draco?" I asked.
"Yes. I am." I hear his voice falter a bit.
"Draco, what's going on. Don't even try to lie to me," I say calmly.
"I am perfectly fine, Hermione. Thank you for caring," says Draco flatly.
"Fine, then. I'm going to the pool with Athens. I love you," I say picking up a swimsuit on my way out.
"You shouldn't," murmured Draco.
"Excuse me?"
"I said you shouldn't."
"And why shouldn't I?" I asked feeling a bit hurt.
"Because, I hurt you much. You shouldn't have to be stuck with a person like me. You deserve someone who will love you and would never hurt you. I adore you, Hermione. I truly do, but what if you find someone who who hasn't hurt you like me. I don't want us to be together just because of the marriage law. I want you to be with me because you love me," says Draco staring at the floor.
"Mr. Malfoy. Listen to me and listen carefully. I fucking love you. I don't care what happened in the past! Move on! I don't care if you hurt me before! I care about what happens from now! Look, you can feel guilty if you want to but that will not change what I feel for you. You know every time I look into your eyes I feel like pulling off a Blaise and Ginny and just run to Vegas to become Mrs. Malfoy in one of your white dress shirts!" I exclaim throwing up my hands for emphasis.
Before I can register anything, Draco's lips are against my own.
"I'm sorry, love," says Draco between kisses.
"You better be, mister!"
"Want to go to the pool?" Draco asked.
"Wait, I have to change!" I exclaimed. I quickly went over to my closet and pulled out a swimsuit. It was an emerald green one piece with many different cutouts.
I quickly put it on and turn back to Draco who had been waiting in our bedroom.
"You look gorgeous," he said making me blush.
"I love you," I say to him.
"I love you, too," said Draco with happiness in his baby blues.

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