Ferris Wheel Conversations.

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Hermione's POV
I turned around to see the park almost right after the driver said we arrived.
The park was exactly like a muggle park was.
"How much will it be?" Draco asked as I helped Athena off of the carriage.
"Oh, just 6 galleons," said the driver with his thick Irish accent smiling knowingly at both of us.
"Yes, we are Mr. Smith. Here you go. Should I blow my whistle for you when we are ready to leave? " asked Draco climbing out of the carriage holding out his hand for me to grab on to.
"I can always tell and yes blow the whistle when you're ready to leave. Have a good night, Miss, Sir," said the driver smiling at Drank and I.
"You too," I said.
"Thank you, love," I said to Draco putting Athena downs so she could walk.
"You are very welcome," he said smiling at me as we walk over to a small booth.
"One child and two adults," said Draco at the woman behind the booth. She looks up and gasps.

"Hermione Granger?"
"Yes," I asked confused. Draco pulls out his wallets but the woman stops him.
"Um, Mr. Malfoy it's on the house. Oh, and so are your bracelets. Can I have Ms. Granger's autograph and picture with her?" she asked nervously.
"Sure," I said smiling about her attitude towards Draco.
She handed me her golden iPod and a magical non-removable marker.
"Do you happen to be a muggle-born or a half-blood?" I asked.
"I'm actually a pure-blood but I was raise in the muggle world. I was a member of S.P.E.W," she said smiling. Draco chuckled quietly.
I took the pen and wrote in my best handwriting.
When you are ever in doubt,
Go to the library.
-Hermione Granger
"Thank you," she said smiling brightly putting the clear case back on her iPod.

We walk together to a ticket booth.
The teen behind the counter looked very uninterested.
"We got these passes," said Draco handing the teen the slips of paper.
"Ok. Extend out your right hand so I can put your bracelet on it," he said bored.
Draco looked relieved. I think he expected the boy would ask for his left hand, the one with the Death Eater mark.
He quickly finished putting on the bracelet on my wrist.
"Thank you," I said picking up Athena for his wristband.
After he finished, Draco walked Athena and I to a Ferris Wheel.
"Do you think they will let her get on?"
"Really, Granger? I think you forgot we are in the magical world not the wizardly one," he said grinning.
"That's future Malfoy to you," I scolded teasing.
"And plan on making it Malfoy forever," he said.
It was out turn to go on the Ferris Wheel and we were seated on a red cart.
"We will be snapping picture of you while you are riding it," said the teen.
We nod as a wizardly song began to play.
"Hermione, I love you so much and I can not wait until we live what Blaise and Ginny lived today," he said honestly.
"I love you, too. I am counting down, Mr. Malfoy," I said internally sighing at how sweet he is.

"You know Blaise was a total train wreck of nerves today. He kept on worrying about Ginny leaving him at the altar," said Draco chuckling.
"So you aren't going to be one?" I asked arching an eyebrow.
"My dear Ms. Granger. I will be completely petrified at the thought of you ever leaving me," said Draco. My smile at that moment is so huge that moment that it could rival that of the joker's.
"You know if I ever heard myself saying this while we were at Hogwarts, I would lock myself up at Saint Mungos but I will say it. I would rather die that live with out you," I said laughing at bit.
Unexpectedly, Draco pulled me in for a kiss.
"Ew!" exclaimed Athena who was distracted with Draco's keys.
Right them the ride stories and Draco helped me out of the Ferris Wheel's basket.
"Um, Mr. and Ms. Malfoy. I wanted to warm you that there is a huge line of reporters looking for both of you. I have your pictures if you want them," said the teen finally showing emotion.
"Yes, please and thanks for telling us," groaned Draco walking to the exit.

"Draco, were you at Blaise's wedding?"
"Ms. Granger, did you know about Ginevra's wedding?"
"Are you pregnant?"
"When will you both get married?"
"Is it true Blaise has a Ginevra tattoo?"
"Were Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasley invited?"
"How did Mr. Potter react?"
"Mr. Malfoy!"
"Ms. Granger, look over here!" Reporters yelled questions to Draco and and cameras were flashing everywhere.

Well this is it for today. I know that I said that I would be updating more often but time there my brother is to blame. On his birthday, he got Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. I've been obsessed with Pokémon Ultra Sun since he got it but since I got too annoyed because I couldn't win every single battle I'll soon get bored of it. Talking about obsessions, I'm in love with Pride and Prejudice. I've been considering writing a story about it but I'm not sure if I will. (At this point I expect someone to say something like this: 'You can't even keep up with one story. What are you doing writing a new one?') Comment your thoughts on whether or not I should write a new story. Anyways, on the bright side it hasn't been a month since I last updated so that's that. On the down side, finals are coming up and so are my semester grades! #pray4perlsgrades 😂

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