Oscar's Chapter.

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Hermione's POV
The rest is the wedding was incredible but unfortunately it was time to go to make it in time for the World Cup.
I walked over to where all the children were playing to find Athena with Vic, Fleur's daughter. I apologized picking up Athena.
"Mummy, I still want to pway." Athena whined.
"I know, baby. But we have to go so that your daddy and uncle can make it in time for a game they wants to watch," I explained softly hugging Athena close to and tickling her making her giggle.
"Oh, okie," she said kissing my cheek before jumping out of my arm to go to Draco.

"Hey, Princess!" exclaimed Draco picking up Athena spinning Athena
"I have our Portkey," called out Blaise.
"Hey, wait up! I had to make sure I had everthing. Great thing I did because Ms. Granger almost forgot her luggage," exclaimed Ginny running over to us in her wedding dress holding two tiny handbags.
"Ok. Now that we are all here, please hold hands. I want us to arrive together and in four pieces. Well, and a half. Nate is considered a half still," said a grinning Blaise at Athena who laughing at him.
I do not have time to think about her new nickname before I gin to feel nauseous. I close my eyes with the fear of throwing up.
"Honey, open your eyes," said Draco with a teasing tone. As I open my eyes, I begin to take in the lovely Irish colorful villa we would be staying at.

The village appear to be very humble but I couldn't image a better place to stay at

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The village appear to be very humble but I couldn't image a better place to stay at. It was absolutely lovely.
We are going to have a blast here!
"Wow!" exclaimed Ginny voicing my thoughts.
"I take it you like it," said Blaise laughing. 
"Uncle Bee, this is very pwetty," said Athena to Blaise.

Those two are very close.
Athena loves him almost as much as she loves Draco which is saying a lot!

Almost immediately after we get into one of the houses, a white owl flies through the window. I catch it opening the envelope that says, To the Zabinis and Malfoys in Fleurs neat handwriting.
Dear Ginny and Hermione,
I am very sorry to say this but something bad has happened. Someone leaked the story about wedding sooner than expected. I wasn't even 10 minutes after you left that the press arrived at the Malfoy Manor. As expected Ronald was the first to speak to them. I'm sorry but I had to allow the photographer to give them at least one picture. Please write to me as soon as possible.
-Fleur Weasley.
"I swear I will hex Ron's ball off next time I see him! Can you write back to Fleur and tell her I am not angry with her," said Ginny standing up from where she sat in the large living room.
"Calm down. It isn't good for the baby," said Blaise hugging Ginny.
"Geesh, Ginn-" starts Draco.
"Blaise Zabini if you tell me to calm down. I swear to god you will have to cuddle with Draco for the rest of our stay here. Oh, and same goes to you, Draco Malfoy, if you tell me to calm down," said Ginny red-faced still angry at Ron and not the guys actually.
I try no to laugh as Ginny lectures both Blaise and Draco.

Grabbing a piece of parchment, I begin to write.
Dear Fleur,
It's ok you do not have to apologize. We aren't mad at you. Now with Ronald, that's a whole different story. Ginny wants his family jewels to make earrings. Talking about Ginny, she said she wanted to thank you for all your help and so did I. You were amazing. Don't beat yourself over the press. We all love you and know you didn't tell them about the wedding if thats what you're worried about.
-Hermione Granger and Ginevra Weasley
"Can you send it to Fleur Weasley, please?" I asked the owl who opened it's beak to receive it.

"So what do you guys want to do?" I asked.
"I think we need to christen this house," said Blasie winking at Ginny who blushed more red than her hair.
"I think that we will go off to explore while you two do that. Let me just go get changed," I said running to my room to get changed. I took a minute to inspect the room around me. The room was so cute. Everything was wooden and the colors were red and silver. I opened the duffel bag on the bed to find it full of clothes because of they detectable charm placed on it.
Because of the warm night, I settled on an emerald green silk camisole, white jeans, and a pair of gold strappy stilettos that I had charmed to make them feel as a pair of slippers. I also put on a chunky gold necklace and a pair of gold earrings.
"Accio, purse!" I exclaimed catching the black leather purse with golden embroidery that flew to me.
I quickly put my wand in my purse before heading out.

"I'm done," I said to Draco who had changed into an emerald silk button down, white pants and black leather shoes.
"You look gorgeous," he said smiling brightly at me. His eyes full of adoration.
"Thank you. You look positively delicious," I said wink at Draco.
"Guys, you can eat each other later. I present to you Ms. Malfoy," said Ginny revealing Athena in an emerald dress and golden slippers.
She looks so cute!
"Thank you. My princess looks so cute. Well we will leave you. Please christen every other place except for Athena's bed," said Draco opening the door for us to leave before Ginny starts to hex him.

"So where to?" I asked Draco.
"I was thinking about going to a carnival," said Draco grinning at me.
"That sounds incredible," I said ready to apperate.
"Oh not today, Mrs," said Draco motioning to an intricate little carriage pulled by two black horses.
"Mr. Malfoy?" said the driver.
"Oh yes," he said helping Athena and I up.
"Wow, this is incredible!" I said looking around as the horses pulled the carriage. The streets around us were very busy. People walked in the same direction we were headed. I'm pretty sure they were also heading to the carnival.
"I'm glad you like it," said Draco smiling at me making me catch my breath catch by seeing all the love he hold for me in his stormy blue eyes.
"We have arrived," said driver distracting us from our trance.

Well, here it is!!! We did it, we hit 10.2K reads! I am so happy! Thank you guys so much, I couldn't have done this without you guy's help. I wanted to upload this tomorrow for my brothers birthday (hence the name). However, I won't have time to update.

This chapter (and practically the whole book) is dedicated to my little brother Oscar. Bro, I love you and just because you are older doesn't mean you can date.  Women are el diablo (the devil) when you piss them off.

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