Alex Standall || Idiot

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If any of you guys are going throug a rough time and struggeling with something please know that you can always message me!

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The music is blasting trough my speakers as I am getting ready to go shopping with my boyfriend Alex. He is sitting on my bed and looking at me while I am dancing around. "Join me, unleash your inner dancing queen!" "Just hurry up you weirdo" he laughs. I do as he says and soon we are in the car on our way to the mall. Alex is not the kind of boyfriend to be all whiny when we go shopping, he just gives his opinion and if I feed him in time he is really lovely company. In the car I turn the volume up and start to sing again. I failed at getting the lyrics right but I don't care. I feel good when i'm with Alex, he makes me feel confident and happy. We arrive at the mall and go into the first store.  I try on some tops but i'm not happy with the way they look so I put them back on the rack and walk away. We go to a few stores but I just can't seem to find what I want. Alex holds my hand and points out some things, I just shake my head at most of them.  After a while I notice him starting to get a little hangry, I pull him towards the first café I see. We sit down at a table and look at the menu. I decide on the fries and a burger, while Alex goes for a sandwich and fries. He starts by eating al of his fries first and then moves on to his sandwich but he is a fast eater and i'm a really slow eater. When he is done with his plate he starts picking fries of my plate. "Don't touch my food!" I say fake irritaded. "I finished mine already" I laugh. "You should have thought about that before you ate so fast you idiot" We both giggle very loudly and I push my plate to the middle of the table.

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