you break up || short images

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If any of you guys are going throug a rough time and struggeling with something please know that you can always message me!

Clay Jensen

"It's just not working anymore Clay" you say with tears in your eyes

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"It's just not working anymore Clay" you say with tears in your eyes. You broke up with him ,he had been acting weird for a while now and you could not deal with it anymore. "Please y/n!" You shake your head. "Clay i'm sorry, you have nog been yourself and I can't take it!" "I can do better!" You just sigh and whipe away your tears. You could see it was breaking his
heart but you had to do it, it was better this way. Maybe if he had some time for him self he would feel better. "I'm gonna go now, bye Clay"

Zach Dempsey

"It's just easier when we both go to college!" Zach says with a soft voice

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"It's just easier when we both go to college!" Zach says with a soft voice. "We can atleast try to make it work" you say while swallowing your tears. He just told you it would be better if the two of you would split up when you are going to college. "Y/n that would just make it harder and you know it" you knew he was right. It would be holding on to something from the past. You guys have been growing a part for a while now and you knew when you would both go to college it would be even worse. "Okay" you whipe away some tears "you're right" He nods and grabs your hand and places a small kiss on it. "Are you going to be okay?" He ask "I will, maybe not now but I will."

Justin Foley

"So what are you saying" Justin ask you

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"So what are you saying" Justin ask you. "I'm saying that we are done!" You say in an angry tone. "But I love you" the tears are now streaming down his face and you just let out a sarcastic laugh. "You should have thought about that before you cheated on me!" He lookes down in shame. "I trusted you and you screwed up, so please just piss off!" You still can't believe Justin would cheat on you with a freshman, but he did and tou caught him red handed. So now you are breaking up with him. "Please I am so, so sorry! Y/n!" "Well to bad" you are so angry that you are crying. "What can I do to make it up to you?" It did break you heart to see him like this but you have to think about yourself. "You can stay the f*ck away from me!" And with that you walk away.

Montgomery De La Cruz

"Monty stop!" You pull away your boyfriend

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"Monty stop!" You pull away your boyfriend. He got in a fight with your bestfriend Alex and he beat that face up. "Why would you do that!?" You ask him with an angry voice. "He was being a dick." "No you where being a dick flirting with other girls!" Alex shouted. "You what?!" You could feel yourself losing your cool. "I told him it is disrespectfull to flirt with girls when you have a girlfriend and then he went al apeshit" Alex explains. "Monty is this true?" You ask and you felt tears well up in your eyes, you're not sure if they are sad or angry tears. "I mean it's not exactly how it went.." he says softly. "I know enough we are done!" He looks suprised. " babe you can't be serious, we can talk about it" "can we?" You say sarcasticly. "Bye Monty" you help Alex get up and walk away from the boy you thought was the love of your life.

Jeff Atkins

"You knew how much I love you and you still did it, why?!" Jeff asks you

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"You knew how much I love you and you still did it, why?!" Jeff asks you. " I don't know it just happend!" You just told him about your drunk hookup at a party. You and Jeff had a fight that day and you got smashed. You felt bad right after. "I was mad at you for the fight and the booze was doing its thing" you say. But you know that it is a shitty excuse. "I was mad at you as well, I had a party but did I make out with a random person? No I stayed sober and thought about you the whole night!" You start crying, he was so right. "I'm so sorry Jeff, so so sorry! What can I do to make you forgive me?" He shakes his head and sighs. "I don't know I think I just need some space" you nod your head and whipe away your tears. "You mean like a break?" "I mean break up" and just like that you feel your heart break.

(Tony POV)

Clay sighed very deep

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Clay sighed very deep. We were sitting in our spot, but it did not feel good, the air was heavy. "Tony you know" Clay started "I love you very much." "And I love you Clay" I respond and thats the truth, I love Clay more than I ever loved anyone. "But I feel like this relationship is becoming a burden, for the both of us." "I strongly disagree" and again, the truth. This relationship is not a burden to me, its the reason I wake up everyday. "Well it is for me" he says. He is not looking me into the eyes. He is starring at the ground. "What are you saying Clay" I ask but I already know the anwser. "I think we should break up" I shake my head. "We really don't" "Tony this relationship is so hard for me I can't deal anymore!" He looks me in the eye and there are tears on is cheeks. "What did I do wrong?" "I'm just not ready" he sighs.

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