Not over you || monty&michelle

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If any of you guys are going throug a rough time and struggeling with something please know that you can always message me!

(540 words )
Michelle POV

"Monty you can't be serious!" I yell. He could be such an ass sometimes. " Oh so you want to say that you did not flirt with that guy" I roll my eyes and sigh. "No I did not flirt with him!"
We just got back from the movies and Montgomery thinks I flirted with the boy behind the counter. Lately he has been like this more often. I don't like it when he is so jelous. He sits down on the bed and looks up to me. "Michelle I can't do this anymore"  he takes a deep breath. "We can't go on like this" my heart starts to break. "What do you mean?! Don't so dramatic!" "I think we should break up"I  could see he was hurting , it was showing in his eyes. "Fine, thats just .. fine" I say right before I walk out. I get in my car and drive home with tears streaming down my face.

(monday at school)
I had a hard time getting out of bed this morning, I had been up all night thinking about were it went wrong between me and Monty. I was wearing a grey sweatshirt that I had been wearing all weekend. The car park was packed. All the teens who where exited to see one another after the weekend. I slowly walked into the building, doing my best to not bump into anyone I know because I don't feel like explaining. So far it has worked. I wonder what Montgomery is doing . He is always on time but I have not seen him yet. We have our first class together. I don't want to think about him but I can't help it. "Goodmorning everyone!" My teacher says while looking across the classroom. My attention gets drawn to the door that opens. Montgomery walks in to the class. He looks a mess ; hair messy, clothes dirty and bags under his eyes. He did not look at me but it hurt me seeing him like this. He sits down and the teacher goes on with the class.
I let out a sigh of relieve when the last bell of the day rings. I put my stuff in my bag and start walking outside. I feel someone tap my shoulder so I turn around. "Hey Michelle" Justin smiles nervously. "Hi Justin" I can tell by the look on his face he is very uncomfortable. " I think you need to talk to Montgomery, he's a mess" he lets out. "Why would I do that, he broke up with me" it still pains me to say it out loud. "I know but he did not mean to" I nod. " I will talk to him." Even though he had been a bit of a jerk I still love him and I don't want to lose him. I say goodbye to Justin and make my way outside. As if faith wanted it to happen Montgomery was standing next to his car. I walk up to him. I don't really know what to say so I let out a soft hi. He turns around and his eyes light up when he looks at me. "Hey" "Can we talk about what happend?" He smiles a soft smile. "Sure"

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