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You looked out of the night sky looking if anything will happen so far no sigh of purple fog no voices hearing in your head everything was okay. "Y/n it's already midnight shouldn't you be getting rest." Sunrise asked wondering if you're okay "You go ahead I think I should stay up a little bit." You said still focusing on the sky. Sunrise sigh saying "I can't take anything out of your mind can I?" you shook your head "Nope." "She's coming soon so tomorrow will be are last training before we fight her so have a nice sleep." Sunrise said and went to sleep. 'I guess I'm on my own' you looked at the window feeling peacefully you got up putting on your jacket and your shoes and left.

You wandered off a little bit seeing any sighs of her you remember hearing the voice you heard a few days ago

Go to the forest

You looked at the forest 'Maybe there's a clue to find' you went to the forest go farther and farther. You looked around seeing anything unusual but there was nothing you sigh saying "I have to tried harder." Soon heard something "Y/n?" hearing a whisper you looked around seeing if anyone was calling your name soon you heard it again "Y/n? Is that you?" "W-Who's there? Show yourself!" you said getting in attack mode seeing whoever this is "Y/n up here in the top rock." You looked at the rock slowly to emerge what you were seeing you couldn't believe what you were seeing "Mom..." you said looking at her "You survive." "Yes, I survive so can you help me? Since I'm your mother and told you what to do not your sister." You were thinking a lot since your mother would never act like that "What do you need help?" you said being curious "I need you to let me borrowing some of your energy so I can get stronger from weakness so can you help me?"

You thought for a long moment saying "Wrong answer." She chuckled and soon turning into an evil emerging into darkness life "I knew you wouldn't buy it since who in tarnation believe that a parent still alive? You wouldn't believe since I killed your parents." She said looking at you, you growl "Don't you dared talk about my parents!" "Ooh such a feisty one I'm so scared." She said pretending to be scared and did an evil chuckled "Just leave my family alone." You said using your fire on her she end up catching it and said "I always trying to kill your family and so I did but I never knew they had a two daughter's escaped one had justice and the other bring peace so I'm planning to kill the peace if she give me all her power." You had a tight grip saying "NEVER!" darkness life sigh in disappointed "Well look like no one will ever seeing you again." as she throw the fire through the trees and area surrounding you around "Buh bye peace one." She said and turning to purple fog and flowed away you were going after her but the fire was getting bigger that you had to escape.

You found a path and ran there any fire blocked your way you had to use your ice powers to freeze to ice but soon the fire was surrounding you around 'I can't keep doing this' you were feeling worn out being tired soon fading away to a sleep.

*Time skip*

You open your eyes seeing that you were into someone arms you looked up seeing genos "Genos..." you said looking at him he smile saying "It's okay y/n your safe now." Tears started coming out of your face you hugged him crying he hugged back and said "Y/n I love too much to leave which is why I would never leave you." 

Never leave you (genos x reader)Where stories live. Discover now