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As you and genos catch up with your sister sunrise "Where are we going?" you asked looking around. "Oh we'll see..." sunrise said not taking an eye out of the path. "Let's just go with it." Genos said and besides you to hold your hand you smile "I kept a promise." He said to you. "Hey lovebirds." Sunrise said waving her hands around "Were here." You and genos catch up with her and saw the place "Isn't this the place where we-""Yes," Sunrise said cutting off your question "This is the place where you and genos first met." You smiled looking everywhere this bring you memories (Can't remember look at chapter 2 to remember) "Yup this bring me memories when genos almost kill me." Sunrise said genos rub his head "Anyway that's not the point this place have something special between the both of you." She said and transformed into a bird.

You and genos followed her to the place she transform back to a human and had a seed "Y/n I want you to grow this seed with your powers." As she put it in the ground and buried it. You concentrated of working it but for some reason it won't grow "It's a powerful seed," Sunrise said seeing you trying to do it "It would only work if the person is special but it takes a while." She looked at genos and said "Let her gets some time for now darkness life is super quick so if you see you're going to need to target her real fast for now you'll just have to practice I'll be in a bird so all you have to do is aim me." Genos got confused "Don't you know what happen last time?" (Again look at chapter 2 maybe a little at the end of chapter 3) "Don't worry," she said "things have happen and I got healing powers so I won't die or get injured." "Okay..." genos said giving a beaming blasted at sunrise turn to a bird flying.

Genos kept targeting her but kept failing and for you not going well. The seed didn't grow that much but you kept on doing it soon you use way too many energy that your eyes began glowing and the seed began bursting to a stem 'I gotta keep doing this just hold on y/n' you said in your thoughts trying to hold on. Genos kept trying to blast sunrise 'You gotta be faster genos' genos said in his thoughts seeing sunrise keep flying genos aim where was she going to be soon sunrise got hit but it was fake. "Where is she." Genos said looking around soon a bird roared soon seeing them all the birds the same. You began to lose energy but you keep kept on going you yelled in pain "Y/n!" genos yelled he was going after you but the birds flocked after him to keep him away from you. Both of you began to lose concentration soon you and genos heard sunrise voice "What are you both are doing cannot be do alone but you both need each other so think another way."

Once you heard that you took a deep breath thinking in your thoughts 'genos? Can you hear me?' genos heard the voice saying in his thoughts 'Y/n? Is that you?' you smile he heard you 'genos everything you see is the same in the bird find one that is different from the others I know it can be hard but I believe in you' genos looked around seeing if there's one bird that was different than the others he soon found one flying different than the other he smiled 'found it know it's my turn to help you y/n you been doing it way to hard just relaxed and feel the nature through you, you can do it y/n' you got that message you took a deep breath relaxing a bit and soon feel the wind. You use your powers making the stem to a small tree you smile and kept on doing it. Genos carefully watch one of the different birds and aimed at it as the bird been shot it disappeared soon all the other birds began to emerge to petals. Genos smiled soon saw you rising the tree making into a beautiful blossom tree. You smiled and hugged genos "We did it." You said he hugged back saying "Together that's what we did." Soon a bird emerge to sunrise.

She smiled seeing you guys and said "See I knew you both of you were going to have something special together which you guys communicate in your thoughts now that's impressive." You and genos smiled at each other 'I guess we did have something special' you looked at the sunset seeing all the pedals flowed away you weren't afraid of seeing darkness life again since you had your peace standing beside you. Seeing everything right you said "I guess were ready for darkness life." 

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