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You toss and turn you couldn't sleep with that voice in your head saying

Do you remember me? Go somewhere far into the woods just do it

You keep trying to ignore it but it keep repeating itself again and again soon you felt asleep.

*Dream mode*

You were seeing nothing but black everywhere soon you saw purple fog coming your way you didn't stand to see it you just ran hearing voices again

Where are you going? You can't hide and you'll never control me

You stopped looking around saying "Who are you? And get out of my head!" you tried to attack everywhere but end up falling soon you heard it again

Oh aren't you a little weak

You fall down to the ground and got up "I'm not weak and I will never give up in a battle not even a million years." You said and saw the purple fog turning into a demon "That's too bad that you can't see your parents now since they died didn't they." As the demon surround you, you felt hatred and use fire on the demon but the demon dodge it keep saying "Are sure you won't go to the woods? Must have been nice to ruin your life." You ran trying not to look back and soon end up in a cliff you took a deep breath and jumped.

*Dream mode end*

You woke in the middle of night you looked outside and saw the sky filled with the purple fogged. You put your shoes and headed outside without waking up sunrise. You went to check it out but found nothing you looked around 'maybe I was day dreaming' soon you heard an explosion in the middle of the woods you went to check it out you saw purple fog and saw a monster that looked been affected by a tree destroying everything that was living. You were about to attack it but until it knock you down. You got up and use water but it didn't work it kept smashing everything you thought harder and got an idea. You yelled "OVER HERE!" the monster turn you did your pain mind it was affecting it but all of a sudden it stopped feeling the pain 'must have a shield protecting the cause' you sigh and thought the ice power you didn't practice enough but you hope it's enough you use your ice power on the monster freezing it to death.

You soon stopped seeing the monster soiled ice you fell down feeling paralyzed "I did it." You said you were about to get up but you couldn't you tried but still couldn't 'what happen to me?' you use your arms to lift you up but failed. Soon you heard laughter "Where are you? What do you want from me?" you said trying to move but couldn't. Soon the voice said

Your life

You heard breaking from the ice and saw the monster breaking free. The monster saw you and was about to kill you, you shut your eyes thinking about what would happen if now. Soon the monster was about to kill you but you felt nothing you open your eyes and saw genos holding off the monster. "Y/n are you alright?" sunrise said coming to your path you nodded and said "I'm fine but I can't move." Sunrise nodded and use her power soon you felt moving you were about to asked but sunrise said "Healing one of my new move." You nodded and heard genos saying "Y/n you're okay." You smile at him and helped him battle the monster.

Sunrise kept slashing with her sword but couldn't find its weak spot. You looked closer around but soon you heard another explosion you saw sunrise as a bird she landed saying "Found its weak spot on the forehead back." You nodded and went up around it was about to attack you but you dodge it. You jumped high yelling to sunrise "TAKE COVER!" sunrise nodded and took genos somewhere far. You use your lighting blast but it was a little different this time you use more energy and had a bigger strength you yelled "YOU CAN'T KILL ME!!!!!!!!" you throw at the weak spot and made a huge explosion.

You closed your eyes from the big light and soon open them seeing the monster disappeared in thin air you smile 'I did it...' you fell down and felt someone catch you. You open your eyes and saw genos. "Are you alright." Genos said holding you in bridal style you nodded "I'm okay..." sunrise looked at the ground and picked up the purple dust "Look like part of her escaped." Sunrise said and turn to you and genos "Looks like this not the battle it just the beginning." You looked at genos and said "You can let go of me." Genos let go of both of you smile. You thought sunrise was going to ruin the moment but she didn't sunrise smile and walked saying "Let's go home." You nodded and went ahead saying "Race you!"

Genos and sunrise wasn't in a hurry "Hey genos." Sunrise said looking at him seriously "Yeah." Genos answered "Do you have a crush on my sister?" sunrise asked genos looked at you thinking of you he smile and said "Yes, I love with my whole life depends on her." Sunrise smile and thought for a moment that you and genos would have something special together.

lullaby by daichi miura 

Never leave you (genos x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon